Top Ten Tuesday: 2024 Releases I Was Excited to Read but Still Haven’t Gotten To

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Making TBR lists is so much easier than reading the books on them!

It’s sort of like having a meal that consists of all of your favorite foods.

The temptation to put more food on your plate than can easily fit into your stomach is strong.

Luckily, books don’t spoil if you put off reading them until your literary appetite returns.

Here are some of the 2024 releases I previously blogged about for Long and Short Reviews, have not read yet, but do hope to read eventually.












1. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan











2. Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez











3.  Eruption by Michael Crichton











4. Build a Girlfriend by Elba Luz











5.  Januaries by Olivie Blake











6. Hope Ablaze by Sarah Mughal Rana











7. You Like It Darker by Stephen King











8. We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer











9. Somewhere Beyond the Sea (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #2)  by T.J. Klune











10. The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World by Robin Wall Kimmerer




  1. I gotta try out Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass!

  2. Joanne @ Portobello Book Blog says

    I haven’t read any of these but hope you enjoy them when you get to them!

  3. I read You Like It Darker and I highly recommend it! I’m also really excited about his books coming out this year. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  4. We have some overlapping! I struggled with Januaries! I do hope you get to some of these this year.

  5. So many readers love Abby’s books. I haven’t ever read any of them, but the covers always look so fun and cheerful. 🙂 I recognize a couple other authors on this list too but haven’t read any… I hope you enjoy them all once you read them. Thanks a bunch for visiting my list today!

  6. I love making lists, sticking to them, not as much, LOL! Have a great week!

  7. My daughter loved Just for the Summer. I had forgotten about We Used to Live Here. Thanks for the reminder. Hope you get a chance to read these this year.

  8. Great list! My library patrons LOVE James Patterson. I can’t believe I’ve never read any of his books. LOL. Happy Tuesday!

  9. I still haven’t read Just for the Summer either. And I’m curious about the new Robin Wall-Kimmerer one.

  10. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years was one of the few books I did read last year and I enjoyed it. I hope you will too! I’ve been wanting to read something by Olivie Blake for some time now. Hope Ablaze looks like it will be a good one too. I hope you get a chance to read all of these and enjoy them!

  11. I meant to get to that Abby Jimenez, too. I even have a copy. I love the cover of The Serviceberry. Hope you get to read and enjoy them all!

  12. So many interesting-looking books! Hope you enjoy them all when you get to them!

  13. I loved Just For The Summer and Somewhere Beyond The Sea and The Serviceberry was short and sweet. I also have Build a Girlfriend to read soon!

  14. We Used to Live Here was sooo creepy! I highly recommend it:-)

  15. Build a Girlfriend is one I want to read as well. Hope you enjoy these when you get a chance to pick them up.

  16. TJ Klune is such a good writer. Read that book first!

  17. I LOVED Somewhere Beyond the Sea – it was completely delightful. Definitely worth reading ASAP, I’d say! I’m interested to hear about You Like It Darker, because I typically don’t read horror at all (not my jam and tends to make me have trouble feeling comfortable for a while afterwards). Normally I’d just give it a pass, but it’s on the BookTube Prize list this year, and I’m nervous that sod’s law will prevail and I’ll end up having to read it. So I’d like to find out how much fear I’m in for! I hope you enjoy these if you get to them!

    • So glad to hear that! I hope you like You Like It Darker. There’s a lot of horror that’s too much for me, too, but I do read some of it.

  18. Just For The Summer has a gorgeous cover! I hope you’ll be able to get to these books this year 🙂

    If you’d like to visit, here’s my TTT:

  19. Great analogy for a TBR! The cover of The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years is gorgeous. I hope you get to read all of these!

  20. Somewhere Beyond the Sea (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #2) is one I hope to read, too, after I read the first of the series.

    I hope you get to enjoy all of them this year.

  21. I’ve been debating adding We Used to Live Here to my TBR. I like the premise but have heard mixed things.

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