An Embarrassing Situation by Eden Monroe – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Eden Monroe will award a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

An Embarrassing Situation

One of my most embarrassing situations happened many years ago and involved a pair of winter boots. They were tall and white and I polished them every night to keep them looking nice. They laced up the front, with metal eyelets, like a pair of figure skates, only these boots went all the way to my knees. The laces had begun to stretch quite a bit so I’d lace them to the top and then back down to somewhere in the middle where I’d tie them off. One morning I was running really late for work so I laced the boots to the top, then tied a bow which made a couple of big bunny ears on each boot. I left them like that before hurrying out the door.

I was making good time and only had a few more blocks to go. On King Street East the sidewalk was on a slight downhill grade, then turned into a walkway on a sharper decline which was my shortcut through the park. All of a sudden, just as I started onto the walkway, one of the bunny ears on my left boot looped around a metal eye on the right boot and effectively tied my legs together, turning my stride into a hop. I couldn’t get stopped without falling flat on my face. Since I had momentum, it meant hopping all the way to the bottom of the walkway. It was more than just a few feet I can tell you, but I couldn’t get stopped until I was on flat ground. Anyway, when I did get stopped I undid the binding and everything was fine. I don’t know how I managed to keep from falling.

The sidewalk and subsequent walkway through the park were busy at that time of morning and people must have wondered why one second I was striding along and the next I started hopping. There was no way anyone could tell I was having a wardrobe malfunction, and that I had been hobbled. It must have been quite a sight, me in my tall white boots and mini skirt hopping down the hill.

I should use that sometime. Like they say, nothing is ever lost on a writer.

By the way, I wasn’t late for work.

The motion picture, Retribution, could be the big break Alexandra Martel has been waiting for. A Canadian movie star and strong female lead, even greater success may be within reach. But she also envies her married sisters, and has been hoping to meet her own soulmate.

Dr. Beau Remington, handsome male lead is the hometown veterinarian. He’s been contracted by motion picture execs to be on set when animals are called for, so when he and Alexandra eventually cross paths there is undeniable chemistry. However, Hollywood heartthrob James Langford has already laid claim to the striking young actress and tries to stop the budding romance.

Then everything changes at sunrise one morning when Alexandra goes for a run alone in the picturesque Belleisle, New Brunswick countryside. That’s when the man who’s been stalking her for weeks finally makes his move. She must endure the terrifying ordeal of being kidnapped and drugged in this Eastern Canada romantic suspense.

Enjoy an Excerpt

The old dog, soaked from a tumble into the icy water and limping badly, continued to pick its way along the creek that rushed between steep boulder-strewn banks. Beau Remington, far above on horseback, spotted the bedraggled canine and quickly dismounted, clamouring down the embankment toward it. With one arm wrapped around a sturdy yellow birch to anchor himself, he stretched forward to scoop up the small dog and slipped it inside his jacket. Steadying the terrified animal with one hand he then began the climb back up to the trail where his horse, Chance, waited patiently.

He talked to the dog soothingly, the rich timbre of his voice comforting as the shivering slowly began to subside within the warmth of leather on a cool spring day. Beau urged the gelding into a trot for the final half-mile to his ranch nestled deep in the rolling hills of Belleisle, New Brunswick, Canada’s picture province. He loved the quiet solitude, but soon the area would have some unlikely visitors when they started shooting the movie, Retribution, a few miles up the road. As a veterinarian he’d already agreed to be on set when animals were scheduled to appear in the movie, so it should be an interesting experience.

The dog whimpered plaintively against him, reigniting Beau’s anger at the insensibility of some selfish, cold-hearted pet owners. This had definitely been a dump, an old dog, half-blind and likely no longer wanted. The poor thing had either been lame before being abandoned, or injured in the fall, and it was because of situations like this that he’d dedicated his life to animals.

About the Author:Eden Monroe writes about real life, real issues and struggles, and triumphing against all odds. A proud east coast Canadian, she enjoys a variety of outdoor activities, and a good book.

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting me on your site today. I appreciate the opportunity.

  2. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Loved that cute story! Brought me back to the things we did in the name of fashion. You must have looked a cute bunny on that walkway!

    • Thank you, Eileen! An unexpected bunny for sure. I still think what those people must have thought when I started hopping. I made sure to lace those boots up good and tight after that I can tell you. : ) And yes, the things we did for fashion. So hilarious now. Thank you for dropping by and hope you have a great day!

  4. Marisela Zuniga says

    I liked the excerpt, I’ll have to check this book out!

  5. Tracie M Cooper says

    How do you balance enjoying summer activities with your writing schedule?

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