Temptation Trials Revolution by B. Truly

Temptation Trials Revolution by B. Truly
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Sci-Fi (Dystopian), Romance
Length: Full (326 pgs)
Heat: Hot
Rated: 4 stars
Review by Poppy

There are always two sides to a story. Can love withstand the ultimate temptation?

A new Regime has arisen from the havoc and destruction of World War III. Society now has to follow the strict mandates, reign under the dictatorship of His Highest Eminence or suffer the consequences.

Tobias and Kincade are part of a cryptic organization that’s trying to uncover the secrets behind the Regime. Something is suspicious with the new world order—why else would they want to control the most powerful emotion of love? With mandatory arranged marriages at the age of twenty-one, the only way to fight for love is through the Temptation Trials—a government-sponsored reality TV show.

Kincade and Tobias know the rules, but after they meet the women of their dreams, they face a difficult decision. With their impending birthdays around the corner, the guys have to decide if they will bend to the Regime’s will or fight for their relationships.
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Lust, mistaken for love, will lead to down a treacherous path. They soon learn that the spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak.

Can love save their souls, or is lust too tempting?

After reading the first book in this series (told from the women’s POV), I was interested to get the other side of the story. Years ago, there was a failed reality show named “Temptation Island” which basically put people in committed relationships into deliberately sexy circumstances with others to see if they’d cheat. This book series reminds me of that show … on steroids.

As with most dystopian novels, the government is bad here. I’m still not 100% certain why the government chose this particular “rule” for their own, but I’m suspending my disbelief here and running with it since that is sort of the mystery the characters are trying to solve themselves. In the first book, I actually liked the guys better than the girls, for the short time I saw them, so was glad to get to see them again. One thing I enjoyed was the guys’ sense of humor and snark about things. It’s pretty typical (especially for “tough guy” Tobias). However, there was a lot of emotional stuff with them thinking sappy thoughts about the girls that felt a little off. Not that guys aren’t romantic or loving, but it’s not typically the focus, the be-all-end-all of their thoughts.

I suppose this can stand alone in the series, but I think the world-building in this one wasn’t as strong. Possibly because the author assumes the reader has read past books in the series. Other that that (and wondering what was going on with the women) though, I think this could be read alone.

Since Tobias and Kincade were undercover to find out what was going on with this governmental rule, there was a little more digging into the mystery of “how” and “why” here. We got it in the women’s book, too, but not as frequently.

Also, in my own personal set of preferences, I hate romances about cheating. Here, though, it doesn’t feel wrong, exactly, and I’m not sure why that it. Maybe because the guys aren’t around their women here? I’m not sure why. Also–and I had this same issue in the women’s book–I’m not entirely certain I want our main characters to end up with the women they originally loved. It’s true! The author has done a good job selling the other characters here.

While perhaps not as violent and bloody as most dystopian novels, it’s still a decent entry into the genre. Add in plenty of sex and sexual innuendo, and you have a book any adult could enjoy. It’ll be interesting to see where the story goes next.


  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. James Robert says

    Good Morning! Thank you for the book description.These tours are great and we have found some terrific books so thanks so much.

  3. Sounds like a great read.

  4. Looks very interesting

  5. Bernie Wallace says

    Would you ever like to see a movie made out of your book? I hope your book is a success.

    • Brandy Truly says

      I would be okay with a mini series made for my books if I had producers rights. Lol. That way I would have some control over what was done. I’d want to stay true to the books.
      That’s for participating in the tour.

  6. Brandy Truly says

    Thank you for hosting. I’m glad you liked the guy’s POV better.

    B. Truly

  7. Bernie Wallace says

    Did you do anything fun for Thanksgiving? Congrats on the release.

  8. Bernie Wallace says

    Did you help design the cover of the book?

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