Serpent’s Point by Kate Ellis
Publisher: Piatkus (Little, Brown Book Group)
Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by FernSerpent’s Point in South Devon is the focus of local legends. The large house on the headland is shrouded in an ancient tale of evil, and when a woman is found strangled on the coastal path, DI Wesley Peterson is called to investigate.
The woman had been house-sitting at Serpent’s Point and Wesley is surprised to discover that she was conducting an investigation into unsolved missing person cases. Could these enquires have led to her murder?
While the case takes Wesley to Yorkshire and the Cotswolds, archaeologist Neil Watson is making a dramatic discovery of his own in the fields near the house.
When a skeleton is uncovered, the pressure rises to find a killer, and Wesley and Neil realise that Serpent’s Point holds more secrets than anyone could have imagined.
Serpent’s Point house in South Devon is shrouded in ancient tales of evil, so when a woman house sitting there is found strangled on the coastal path DI Wesley Peterson and his team are called in to investigate. Can they sort out what is trapped in the past and what is very much in the present day?
I’ve been enjoying this British police procedural mystery series for over a year now and found this book to be an excellent addition to the series. While there’s a bunch of previous books, readers should feel comfortable picking this one up even if the author and series is new to them. The police team have quite a history together, but they work well enough that no real prior knowledge is needed. Also the plot line and simultaneous archaeology plot are both fully contained in this story and can easily be picked up.
Readers who prefer an action-oriented story might find this a little slow – but I personally thoroughly enjoy the slower unwinding of the mystery and piecing together of the clues. I admit I found parts of the mystery plot easy to guess but there were still a few twists I didn’t see coming so I was invested and interested the whole way through the book. I also really like how the historical and archaeology aspect winds together so well with the mystery and that’s a driving force keeping my attention for such a long running series.
Readers who enjoy mysteries and/or historical books should check this book and this series out.
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