Mallory: The Mail Order Bride by Hebby Roman

Mallory: The Mail Order Bride by Hebby Roman
Publisher: Estrella Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full length (177)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Mallory Metcalf Reynolds was born to a life of wealth and privilege in the Old South. But the Civil War turns her life upside down—she loses both her mother and her childhood sweetheart. When her aunt tries to help by sponsoring her debutante season, Mallory makes a fateful mistake and compromises her reputation. Her father’s death is the final blow, and she decides to start over, answering an ad for a mail order bride. But when she travels to the far west corner of Texas to meet her intended husband, she finds the vast unsettled country overwhelming and filled with danger.

Colonel William Gregor has made his reputation in the U. S. Cavalry fighting hostiles and border raiders. When he’s assigned to a remote West Texas fort, his efforts to stop recurring Apache raids are thwarted by the vast and treacherous mountain terrain. To add to his responsibilities, he’s a grieving widower with a daughter to raise. And in this rough-and-tumble outpost, he has few resources to aid him.
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I’m not much of an Urban Dictionary follower but the synopsis for Mallory: The Mail Order Bride was an excellent example of “Hook and Reel”. Though, after finishing the book, the phrase “Hook, Line and Sinker” feels more appropriate. Where I come up with these analogies is astonishing to me. My husband says that my brain works like a spaghetti module when they are trying to predict the path of a hurricane. Regardless, if the synopsis sounds intriguing to you as it did to me then definitely give this book a chance. I was hooked and the plot reeled me in and the epilogue sunk me.

This happens to be book three in the A West Texas Frontier Trilogy. I did finish book two and went straight into book three. To be honest I haven’t read book one. I guess that’s further proof of my spaghetti module brain or the fact that these books in this series can be read as standalones. I was surprised after reading book two and immediately reading book three that the hero, William Gregor, was still at Fort Clark. I was left under the impression that he was going to have to be reassigned at the end of book two. I guess that doesn’t matter but I picked up on that. That little tidbit wouldn’t matter to a reader reading Mallory’s story first in the series.

Hebby Roman is fast becoming one of my favorite authors, for once again she wrote a superior quality romance story. There is depth to her plots lines that pull at my heartstrings. I am consistently engaged in the setting, with the characters, and with the thought provoking emotional conflicts.

The heroine, Mallory, has endured more than any one person should. To see her triumph over life’s challenges gives one encouragement and hope. It was touching to see William’s heart heal from the loss of his wife. Together, Mallory and William made a sweet romance.

The first couple of pages in this story start off slow and then all of a sudden I was on the edge of my seat, holding my breath. The narrative did settle down after that heart stopping scene and glided steady throughout the rest of the book. There was a couple of other tense moments but not as thrilling as the first. Needless to say this story provides the reader with unpredictable entertainment.

If you live in a tropical climate and need to escape to a vast and treacherous mountain terrain, then this is the book for you. With the dry air and cooler temperatures, this refreshing, lovely romance story makes the must read list!


  1. Tonya Lucas says

    Wow, what a perfect conclusion to Hebby Roman’s – West Texas Frontier Series.

    Mallory Metcalf Reynolds held tight as she was being jostled around on the stagecoach heading to Fort Davis, Texas to meet her intended.
    The wide open spaces and mountains peering ahead gave her hope of a future, until all hell broke loose and her stage was attacked by Apaches.

    Colonial William McGregor, commander at Fort Davis knows the Apache are attacking stages, freights, and without a telegraph this far West, innocent travelers are at the mercy of arriving anywhere safely.
    After word arrived of the stage’s attack, “Hearing what happened, his heart wrenched, and his eyes burned. If ever there was a woman who didn’t deserve such a terrible fate, it was Mallory.”

    Even though Mallory has been saved and delivered safely to the Fort, she still must face an uncertainty about her future and whether or not to disclose a secre she cannot keep to herself much longer.

    Will her secret get her banished from the Fort and those who have helped her, or will this secret actually be a saving grace to the family she has started to love as her own?
    Can she be forgiven for a past transgression that will forever be a part of her heart and soul?

    Ms. Roman embraced this trilogy with a fierce pride of the Great State Of Texas, incorporating beautiful history within each story. Tipping her hat, she showcased three great forts that left their mark on the West Texas Frontier.

    If you’re a fan of historical western romance, love a story with great history intertwined, as well as a book packed with great action, plus a powerful message of forgiveness delivered, this book is definitely going to feed your heart and soul.
    Tonya Lucas 5/20/2018

  2. Dear Mistflower (I didn’t see your correct “handle” on Cristabelle’s review–my apologies),
    Thank you so much for the awesome review of “Mallory.” I’m glad you enjoyed the action, setting and the characters. I appreciate your insight and thoughtful-provoking review.
    I’m so glad you enjoyed my books.

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