Magic & Home by Alexa Piper

Magic & Home by Alexa Piper
Monster Apocalypse 2
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Futuristic, LGBTQ, Erotic Romance, Action/Adventure
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Over the past two years, Rory has learned that other people aren’t the best of company, that the guilt of causing the Apocalypse is a heavy burden, and that monsters only see him as a meal. Until Rory met Inkiri, who sees Rory as his mate.

Now, Rory has to navigate what it means to be with someone who not only isn’t human but who also is from another world altogether… and since Rory finds himself in that otherworld all of a sudden, he has to adapt fast. Inkiri definitely has no intention of slowing down in his quest to make his human mate happy.

While Rory is beginning to wrap his head around liking the new place and the new customs, he can’t relax into a peaceful happily ever after because whatever connection Rory has to the magic that unleashed the Apocalypse, people want that, meaning they want him. Where Rory and his newfound family ran to may not have been far enough to escape their pursuers’ clutches.

More magic, more intrigue and more love.

I liked book one in this series and I’m glad I picked up book two. This one is set in Ink’s world, and I really felt like I was there with the characters. I liked the pacing and the way this book is set up. The story moves so fast, but it’s a great clip. I was right there with the characters and liked how they grew through this book.

Ink and Rory are good together and I liked seeing how they grew together. Rory is starting to come into his magic a bit more and Ink has welcomed Rory into his world. They’re a great pairing.

This isn’t a simple story. Ink has found family with him, and they add their own complications. Plus, Rory seems to be a magnet for trouble. These added layers to the story and I liked it. I liked how things never really slowed down.

If you’re looking for a monster romance that’s not the usual, then this might be the one you’re looking for. Check this one out!

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