Downward Sizing Dog: A Reformed Big Dog Snob Defends the Small Dog Life by Karen Lena Izzo

Downward Sizing Dog: A Reformed Big Dog Snob Defends the Small Dog Life by Karen Lena Izzo
Publisher: Small Dog Press
Genre: Non-Fiction, Contemporary, Pets
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

In this informative, often funny, and always compelling read, long-time big dog lover Karen Lena Izzo proves that small dogs deserve more respect.

Told from her perspective as a (mostly) reformed big dog snob, Izzo combines heartwarming interviews and personal stories with facts-in-your-face science to prove small dogs are as canine as the retriever next door.

You’ll meet dozens of dogs and their people, and regardless of your opinion going in, you’ll end the book with a wider perspective on how all dogs–even the smallest–fulfill that ancient “best friends” contract between our species.

Small dogs are people, too.

I have to admit I’m a dog person who is also a cat person. I love critters in all sizes and I’ve been known to put a book down forever if the dog dies in the end. This isn’t such a book (the dog doesn’t die). This is a good read for someone trying to figure out if they’re a dog person and what size might work for them.

I’ve always been of the opinion that the dog picks you, not the other way around. My animals have all come from the APL or rescues and while I’ve had an idea who I wanted, it’s the dog or cat that’s picked me. I must also confess, I don’t have a bias toward the size of the dog. This author, though, sort of does. It’s implied in the title–defending the small dog life. That’s okay. Some are meant for small dogs and others for larger ones.

I liked this book in that the author does a great job of defending why small dogs are great. All dogs are great, but sometimes the smaller ones get the bias of being seen as ankle-biters or walking puffballs. They’re pups, too and demand love. Then again, large dogs get labeled as dangerous or big and scary. It’s all about perspective. This book gives that.

I had some issues with the way big dogs were portrayed in this book, though. Any animal, when left to their own devices, can be destructive. They can have anxieties and will leave messes. Any dog can be a travel companion and the best of friends to their master. It’s all about how the dog is raised and how the owner accommodates the dog. Small dogs are good in their own ways and so are big ones.

If you’re considering getting a dog, I highly suggest going to the local shelter or a rescue. Adopt, don’t shop. But that said, you have to pick what’s best for you. This book will help you do that. If you’re wanting a dog, then try this book. It’s worth a read.