Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my TBR List the Longest

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

My tbr list is ridiculously long.  No matter how much I read, there are always more books to add to it.  I’m also a mood reader.  I pick up and read the book I’m interested in at the moment, not the book that has been on my list the longest.  Unfortunately, this means that some books have been languishing on my tbr list for quite some time.  Here are ten that have been around for a while.

The Complete Illuminated Books by William Blake-I almost feel like putting this book on my list is cheating a bit because I have read some of the poems in this book, but not enough for me to feel like I can count it as being read.  Of the poems I’ve read, I particularly like “A Poison Tree”.

The Best of James Whitcomb Riley by James Whitcomb Riley-He is my grandma’s favorite poet, which is why I picked up this book, but I have yet to read it.

The Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson-Another book of poetry I want to read.

The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Fiction by Henry James-I really enjoy short stories, but have yet to get into this book.

Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen-I love folktales, but haven’t found the time to dig into this collection.

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The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis-This book sounds fascinating, and I really hope to get to it soon.

The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K Le Guin-I love A Wizard of Earthsea, and I really need to read the rest of the series.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay-I watched and enjoyed the show (except for the ending).  I’d like to read the books at some point.

Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur-I really need to start this series.

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins-I need to find time to read this lengthy novel.

Have you read any of these?  If so, what did you think?  Do you have a plan for working through your tbr list or are you a mood reader like me?


  1. I read The Woman in White back in university and absolutely loved it.

    Have never read any poems by Emily Dickinson. Feel like I completely missed out on what a lot of people usually study in school.

    • I’ve come across Emily Dickinson’s work here and there in other poetry compilations, but haven’t read a significant amount of her work. I hope I enjoy The Woman in White as much as you did! Thank you for commenting!

  2. I love Henry James. I hope you will, too. I need to re-read the Earthsea books at some point. ☺

    • I hope I enjoy Henry James too! I’ve read A Wizard of Earthsea several times, but for some reason never read the rest of the series. I need to change that. Thanks for visiting!

  3. I’m familiar with both “The Turn of the Screw” and “The Woman in White” in terms of their film adaptations. Despite being a fan of costume dramas (like BBC or ITV), I don’t read the books on which they are based – because for some reason I haven’t really gotten into classic literature. Hope you enjoy all of these – and thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland. 🙂

    • You’re welcome! I’ve seen a film adaptation of The Woman in White, and I really enjoyed it, which is why I want to read the book. I usually think the book is better than the movie. Thanks for commenting!

  4. I have Dexter in my queue at Netflix, but haven’t watched it yet. However, I listened to the audio of Darkly Dreaming Dexter (read by the author) and it was so good. I really need to get the rest of the series.

    • The show is really good, but my husband (who has listened to several of the Dexter audio books) says the show is different. He says both are good though. We both hated the ending of the show though. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

      • The show always diverges from the cannon material, but that’s not always a bad thing. I loved Rizzoli and Isles even though they really went in a different direction than the novels did.

  5. Ugh I loved the Dexter show, but same, I really didn’t like the ending, so disappointing!

  6. I’ve read The Turn of the Screw and intend to again, perhaps this year. It’s on my Classics Club list as is The Woman in White (or I think so anyway). Want to read that one too. I, too, am a mood reader, so things get tucked back with a ‘one day’ tag on them. LOL

    • Yes, that’s the problem with being a mood reader. My tbr never gets finished in any kind of order. Thank you for visiting and commenting!

  7. I really hope that you enjoy these books! 🙂

  8. I’ve only heard of Emily Dickinson (and added that to my TBR) but I’ll definitely check them out!

  9. I’m the same as you. I’m a mood reader and while I always mean to go back and read the books that have been on my TBR the longest, I never seem to be in the mood for them when I think about them. Hopefully that’ll change though. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Poinsettia says

      I keep looking at some of these books and thinking I really need to read them, but the timing isn’t quite right. Thank you for visiting my post and commenting!

  10. I’ve read The Woman in White. I don’t remember it, but I think I liked it. At least until I try thinking about the philosophical and moral implications. But even then, if it made me think, it was probably worth reading. I do remember another Wilkie Collins book in which people got accidentally married in Scotland because of how the laws worked there.

    I should read the Great Divorce. It’s not properly on my list, but everything Lewis wrote is on my mental list. Collectively at least. I can’t remember everything.

    • Poinsettia says

      I’m glad you enjoyed The Woman in White, and I hope I like it when I get to read it. Thank you for commenting!

  11. I read the first DEXTER book last year because I loved the show, but…. I didn’t love the book. I thought the show did a much better job with all the characters and storyline.

    • Poinsettia says

      I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy the book as much as the show. I’ll have to get to the books sometime to see how I feel about it. Thank you for visiting my post!

  12. I did not know Dexter was a book, I’m actually kind of excited about that now, so thanks for that! The folklore sounds pretty great too!
    Here’s our TTT

    • Poinsettia says

      I’m very curious to see how the series and the show compare. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my post!

  13. I’ve not read any of these, but I’ve always meant to read The Turn of the Screw.

    • Poinsettia says

      I’ve been meaning to read Turn of the Screw for a while now. Clearly I need more time to read. Thanks for visiting!

  14. Nice post! I haven’t read any of these but would love to read those folktales 🙂

  15. The Turn of the Screw and The Woman In White are two of the {many} classics I’ve had on my TBR for ages. I’ve heard so many good things about The Women In White in particular. I know I have to make the effort to read these.

  16. I’ve only read the first Dexter book and I liked it but I feel like the show is better – which is something I almost never say. The book was good, but there are some major differences and I won’t say, so I don’t spoil it. Give it a go and let me know if you read any of the others and how you liked them.

    • Poinsettia says

      I almost always think the book is better than the show/movie too, so to have it the other way would be rare. I’m very curious about these differences, so I’ll have to try and get to that book/series soon. Thank you for visiting and commenting!

  17. I remember reading Dickinson in school, but I don’t think I ever picked it up on my own. I love folktales. That book looks really interesting to me. I took a whole class on folktales when I was an undergrad (but in German).

  18. The first five are all collections. 🙂 I have collection of poems too but only ebooks.. I wnat to buy physical copies especially the collector’s edition but they cost so much, not to mention the shipping cost as I live in the Philippines.. 🙁 Hope you get to read them soon. Emily Dickinson is one of my faves..
    (There’s this poem of hers that suddenly popped up in my head titled, BECASUE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH)

  19. Hope you get to read them soon. 🙂 🙂

  20. Turn of the Screw! That’s been on my TBR for a cool minute as well. Maybe this October I’ll actually pick it up.

    • Poinsettia says

      Yes, I have no real reason why I haven’t read it yet other than I have so many books I want to read and not enough time. Thank you for visiting!

  21. I’m a mood reader too, and have the same problem. It doesn’t help the TBR, that’s for sure!

    Favorite Folktales sounds like it would be a good read.

    • Poinsettia says

      Yes, I feel sorry for all these book that have been on my tbr for so long. I want to read them…just not at this time. I’m hoping Favorite Folktales will be good also. Thank you for commenting!

  22. I’m not familiar with any of these directly but I hope you manage to knock down your TBR!

  23. I also want to read the Dexter series! I agree that the ending of the show sucked, though. So disappointing. I still love the show, though, and have watched it all the way through a few times.

    I have the same problem with my “To Read” list. It’s so easy to pick whatever sounds good in the moment (especially if it’s a hot new release!) and ignore the books that have been sitting there for years.

    • Poinsettia says

      I just felt so cheated by the end of the show!

      Yes, some of these poor books have been sitting around waiting to be read for years, and I really do intend to read them. Clearly I need more time to read. Thank you for visiting!

  24. I’m also a mood reader, so I know what you mean. No matter how much you want to get a book off your TBR, you can’t force yourself to read it. You have to read where your mood takes you.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

    • Poinsettia says

      Yes, I won’t force myself to read something I’m not feeling. I don’t want to ruin what could be a great book by reading it at the wrong time.

      You’re welcome, and thank you for visiting my post!

  25. Oh the Favorite Folktales collection sounds really interesting!

  26. Favorite Folktales from Around the World looks interesting. I love reading up on folktales and myths. Great list!
    Thanks for stopping by,

  27. Gosh so many classics I had no idea existed!! I hope you get to them some time!

  28. Emily Dickinson and Henry James are two authors I`m unfamiliar with, but I`d love to read their works. Good luck with your reading!

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

  29. The only one I’ve read on the list is the Keri Arthur book but it wasn’t to my taste. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    • I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it. I hope I have better luck! You’re welcome, and thank you for visiting my post.

  30. Great list! The Woman in White is one I need to read, too.

    • Poinsettia says

      Thank you! I had fun making it even though it was a wake up call of all the books I want/need to read. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  31. I’ve read Dickinson before, but not the others. This is a fabulous list. I’ll have to add some of these to my overloaded TBR list. Hope you get into these soon. Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

  32. I haven’t read any of these but I think I’ve read some Emily Dickinson poems in the past and liked them. I hope you get to all of these!

  33. I read the Darkness Unbound series and made it through the first few books… the rest have been banished to the TBR! How do those lists just get soo long?

    • Did you enjoy the books in the series that you read? I know what you mean about tbrs being so long. As I said, it doesn’t matter how much I read, there are always more books to read! Thank you for commenting!

  34. Ah, I haven’t read any of these, but I do hope you get to them soon! As for plans to get through my TBR… no. I just keep adding books and kicking other books off and the cycle never, ever ends 😀

    • I rarely ever kick a book off my tbr. I just don’t have the heart! I keep telling myself I’ll get to all these books eventually. Thank you for reading my post and commenting! 🙂

  35. Being a mood reader definitely plays into what we read when, doesn’t it? I love Emily Dickinson and The Woman in White is so good! I have read several of the Dexter books by Lindsay, but I stopped reading them somewhere in there. I have seen the television show, which I watched after reading the books. It strays quite a bit, as you can imagine. I hope you get to these someday!

  36. I managed to get through The Turn of the Screw, but I just couldn’t finish the other stories in the collection. Something about James’ writing just shuts my brain down – I have no idea why! I’ve also been procrastinating a collection of Emily Dickinson’s poetry… I have to be in a specific mood to read poetry, but that just doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon.

    • I enjoy poetry, but I have to be in a certain mood to read poetry as well, which is probably why I have several collections I haven’t read yet. 🙂 Thank you for reading my post and commenting!

  37. I feel bad but I haven’t heard of many of these. ?? But i do want to read some Emily Dickenson poems at some point! I’ve only recently realised I kind of like poetry so I want to read more of it!!

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