To Kiss a Killer by Amber Kell
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (111 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by ChollaWhat would you do to protect your family? For Aden the answer is anything.
Aden Gale has always protected the boys he chose as his. Gallen Theos refuses to become another one of Aden’s projects. He might have been bespelled by his father but he was Aden’s mate and he refused to take anything less than a full partnership. If the cool-eyed killer thought he could wiggle away for Gallen’s own safety, well he had a lot to learn about the tenacity of sorcerers.
Aden accepted his role as caretaker to all who needed looking after years ago. No one messes with any of his boys, ever. Gallen refuses to be taken care of, wanting instead to be the one to take care of Aden for a change. Can a contract killer allow himself to be cared for or will he convince Gallen to walk away?
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Aden Gale is not your ordinary assassin. He only kills those that need killing. Cautious, careful, and precise, he’s the epitome of cold blooded killer. Until he gets home, that is. It was interesting to see how compartmentalized Aden was. Once he was off the job, he was warm, caring, and even doting at times. It was a bit of a stretch, personality wise, but it was still very nice to see. His reservations into entering a relationship with Gallen were solely based on what he thought best for the sorcerer, not because he felt sorry for himself or because he was being an arrogant jerk. Both of which surprised and delighted me.
Gallen Theos is a bit overenthusiastic for my tastes, but the more you learn about his past, the more you understand why he’s so desperate to make Aden accept being his mate. Despite his age, he acts no older than any of Aden’s ‘sons’ and that made me smile for the most part. Youthful exuberance is often needed when dealing with an older man set in his ways.
I had some mixed emotions about this novella. I liked the characters and the world they lived in was fascinating, but I was a little bit lost at times. That, however, wasn’t a deficit of the author, but my fault in that I hadn’t read the preceding installments in the series. I would definitely recommend reading this series in order, if for no other reason than to keep track of all the characters. Also, I felt like the mating issue was forced. For two thirds of the story, Aden resists Gallen’s insistence that the two were mates and then, almost too suddenly, Aden completely changes his mind. There seemed to be no middle ground between them. Despite this, Aden and Gallen really are made for each other. One is hardened by the world where the other is looking for a second chance, one where he is able to prove himself. Aden can easily build up Gallen and help ease his insecurities while Gallen can melt that hardened exterior Aden carries around. Eventually they will find some middle ground and be an ideal couple.
To Kiss a Killer is a highly emotional, fast paced novel, with a surprise addition I wasn’t expecting. Set in a world of shifters, sorcerers and so much more, I was drawn in and kept hopping with each new critter I met. I wish the ending hadn’t been nearly so abrupt, but overall, still a very enjoyable story.
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