The Knowing by Brit Lunden

The Knowing by Brit Lunden
Publisher: Chelshire
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary
Length: Short story (78 pages)
Heat level: Spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

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When two people find each other and then lose each other, it sometimes takes extraordinary happenings to bring them back together. The Knowing is a quick little story underwritten with the paranormal, and this keeps readers guessing. What could possibly go wrong in this strange world?

The characters could be people we know and like, and they live in what seems to be a typical Southern town. However, Bulwark has its secrets and imparts its own magic to the situation. When a sad widower is missing his wife, readers learn about the man’s story of young love. Bits of the paranormal, specifically reincarnation, add questions and depth that enhance the story.

The style is clear and to the point, but it creates good imagery, enabling one to picture the setting. Emotions come through well and make the characters all that more interesting.

This is a cute tale that is easy to read. I recommend it as a good start to the series about an intriguing town.

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