Rattling Chains by T. Strange

Rattling Chains by T. Strange
Bound to the Spirits Book 1
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQ, Paranormal, Erotic Romance, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

Book one in the Bound to the Spirits series

Ghosts are popping up where they shouldn’t. Harlan, a ghost janitor for the police, suspects there’s a serial killer on the loose—but no one believes him.

Harlan Brand is a medium who was abandoned by his parents at a school for the psychically gifted. He grew up lonely but safe from the ghosts that terrorized his childhood.

But now, at twenty-one, he’s out in the real world. He works as a ghost janitor for the Toronto Police Service, cleaning up after crimes and hauntings in the Greater Toronto Area. Adding to the anxiety of leaving the ghost-warded safety of his school, the cop assigned as his partner seems to hate him, he’s having confusing feelings for a BDSM club owner who brings out his deepest fantasies and ghosts are popping up where they shouldn’t.

Using the ghosts as clues, Harlan begins to suspect there’s a serial killer loose, but no one believes him. Harlan will stop at nothing to discover who—or what—is preying on his city.

Life can be hard when you’re not ‘normal’ and Harlan learns this the hard way when he is left at a special school. His parents slowly but surely disappear from his life. And then he’s grown up, and has a job, but is woefully unprepared for it. So hold onto your hats because this story is only just beginning.

This was a great story, with a perfect mix of mystery and paranormal activity. The ghosts can be chilling (pardon the pun) but extremely well-written. I loved the descriptions given, they really made you part of the book, rather than just reading it. The BDSM side of things happens naturally and doesn’t go into too much detail if it’s not your thing. The romance between Harlan and Charles is tender and romantic, the sort that leaves you with a sappy smile on your face.

This is the first book in the series so I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what comes next. There is a small group of psychics that Harlan works with that I would also like to see more of. Hamilton is a special kind of something and has his own surprise in the book, which I loved!

All in all, this was a brilliant book that kept my attention from the first to the very last word. A new-to-me author that I will definitely be reading more from. Absolutely recommended by me.

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