Protecting Terra by Desiree Holt

Protecting Terra by Desiree Holt
Special Forces: Operation Alpha – The Protectors Book 5
Publisher: Aces Press
Genre: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Erotic Romance, Contemporary
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

When Terra Oenning and Griffin Dunne were paid in a Department of Homeland Security Op, neither of them expected the heat that exploded between them like the cabin they were surveilling. Personal relationships have no place in their lives. Ever. Period. That’s it. Except the night the cabin blows up so does their restraint, the sex between them so hot it sets fire to the sheets.

When the trail they are following takes them to the frozen north of Maine, even that isn’t enough to cool them down, but like experienced DHS agents, they never take their eyes off their assignment. Terrorists, computer hackers and the Croatian Mafia are combining to destroy the United States and Terra and must focus on destroying them. No problem. Despite the addictive, off-the-charts sex, they are trained agents who do their job, surveilling key players and helping to set up the takedown.

But when it goes awry and Terra is caught in the crosshairs, it will be up to Griffin to rescue her, a wake-up call for both of them that maybe, just maybe, what they have between them is real.

I stayed up until 1 a.m. to finish this book in one sitting. I was not going to bed until I knew the outcome. If I had known that I wasn’t going to be able to put it down then I would have started the book earlier in the day. Oy vey, I’m so tired this morning. Happy Mother’s Day to me, lol. If only reading a good book late into the night was my only problem, then my life would be golden. Ha, ha.

First off let me point out that there are plenty of warnings that this is actually an erotic book. It says so in the synopsis when you read “the sex between them so hot it sets fire to the sheets”. It’s on the cover of the book “Hot sex and terrorists lead to a combustible situation.” I typically don’t read books of this level of chemistry but I knew going in that it was going to be eye opening, to politely put it. I still chose to read it because I loved the last Desiree Holt book I read and I felt in the mood to read something suspenseful with a bit of mystery.

Desiree Holt didn’t disappoint my craving for something to put me on the edge of my seat. I will say that the writing style for this book was quite different from the previous book I read by Desiree Holt, “Unexpected Risk”. I mention that because “Protecting Terra” had several repetitions, almost to the “head banging point”. I didn’t need to be reminded of his Navy Seal training and discipline as much as I was. Also, the terrorists’ possible intentions and actual intentions were repeated several times. It became a bit redundant. Fortunately, the plot twists had me bumping past those hiccups.

Protecting Terra is the fifth book in the series, “Special Forces: Operation Alpha” yet it can be read as a standalone. I have not read any of the previous books in this series but I’m tempted to read them now.

The synopsis pretty much sums up the book so if you are intrigued as I was then I do recommend picking up a copy. The heroine, Terra Oenning, is a typical trained agent paired up with Griffin Dunne, a typical Navy Seal, where they use their skills to save the day while opening up their hearts to one another. What wasn’t typical was the terrorists’ plot. I appreciated the element of surprise when the takedown went awry.

The setting for Protecting Terra led them to Maine during the winter season on a ski slope. I enjoyed that element since I grew up in New England and skied in Maine. Here is a funny share: When I first read the author’s name, Desiree Holt, I thought it said “Desire Hot”. Very appropriate mistake on my part. Anywhoo, Protecting Terra was a fun, fast and furious read.

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