Oral Argument by Kim Stanley Robinson

Oral Argument by Kim Stanley Robinson
Publisher: Tor Books
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (16 pages)
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Tor is thrilled to have the opportunity to publish internationally bestselling author Kim Stanley Robinson’s first stand-alone short story in 25 years.

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What some folks think of as a terrible future might be looked at very differently from other perspectives.

The main character’s personality was well developed. Despite the fact that we never learned their name or even their gender identity, I felt like I got to know them well from the occasionally exasperated replies they gave to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. They had obviously put a lot of work into this preparing for this special hearing, and their dismay at how little the Chief Justice understood about what this character’s clients were going through was both understandable and a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a highly intelligent lawyer who was struggling to break an extremely complex case down into simpler segments.

There weren’t quite enough details in this story for me to fully put together what happened. I caught the gist of it, but I also found myself feeling frustrated by all of the references in the transcript to things that were never explained. It would have been helpful to understand the timeline of events a bit better so I could understand why this case happened and what the lawyers who appealed it to the Supreme Court were hoping to accomplish.

With that being said, I did understand enough of the one side of this conversation that was recorded to know that our species had gone through a remarkable change in this universe. I can’t go into detail about what sort of change it was without giving away spoilers, but I did appreciate how much thought the author put into figuring out how such a leap forward in our development would alter every single part of human society that anyone can imagine. This section of the plot was well developed, and it left me wanting more in a good way.

I’d recommend Oral Argument to anyone who is interested in creative take on what the future of humanity might be like.

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