His True Heart by Samantha Cayto

His True Heart by Samantha Cayto
Publisher: Totally Entwined
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, LGBTQ, Action/Adventure
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

The heart always knows the way.

Chris Novak is adjusting to his lieutenant being the first openly gay SEAL. Seeing the man’s obvious love for his husband gives Chris ideas—ones he has ruthlessly suppressed his whole life. Becoming a SEAL was his dream. Having the love and approval of his father remains critical to him. Acknowledging his sexual orientation would have jeopardized both. While the military has evolved, Chris fears that his father’s views have not.

Tanner Pac has been openly out and proud since high school, with his family embracing him as he is. He knows being gay is not a problem, but his dream of becoming a software engineer is. His parents expect him to carry on the family business of running a pizza parlor. He dares not disappoint them, fearing a loss that would crush him.

While visiting his father on leave, Chris goes out for pizza, not expecting to run into his old girlfriend’s annoying little brother. They could never ditch Tanner and now that he is all grown up, Chris finds he no longer wants to. Facing the strong temptation that Tanner presents is causing Chris to also face the truth about himself.

As Chris and Tanner struggle to meet their parents’ expectations, their attraction for each other cannot be denied. Their strength and courage grow in each other’s arms, but it may not be enough to break free of the weight of family expectations.

Friends to lovers is always a favorite of mine and this one is fantastic.

I love the work of Samantha Cayto and this book certainly delivered. The characters are likable, relatable and I rooted for them. The writing moved along well, and I couldn’t wait to get back to the story. This was the kind of book that made me think about it when I finished. I got emotionally involved.

Chris and Tanner are great characters. Chris is struggling with being gay in the military. The boys club aspect of the military makes it hard for some men to come out and Chris is one of them. Still, he wants to be loved. Then Tanner comes along, and he realizes the piece he’s been missing has been there all along. I loved the way these two characters came together and would happily read more about them. I loved it.

If you’re looking for a good coming out story, one with friends to lovers, then this might be the one for you. Try it for yourself.

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