Bug on the Rug by Sophia Gholz

Bug on the Rug by Sophia Gholz
Illustrator: Susan Batori
Publisher: Sleeping Bear
Genre: Fiction, Children’s (0 – 6 y.o.)
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Pug is snug on his rug. But what happens when along comes BUG?! With a claim to the rug?! The two engage in a hysterical, rhyming battle of wits and strength until Slug asks the necessary questions and helps them find common ground. Rhyming is an important developmental reading skill. It teaches phonics (decodable text) and helps young readers infer content. This is a fun story to build those skills–and is an epic read aloud!

I am a nanny of a six-year-old girl who is going into first grade this Fall. Of all the book covers to choose from and she chose Bug on the Rug. I must admit that I love the cover as well. The pug’s face is priceless.

This is a rhyming read-aloud story that is absolutely hilarious and heartwarming. Pug is snug on his rug when a bug comes along. The bug comes along to claim a piece of the rug. The two begin a battle over who owns the rug. In the midst of the battle a slug comes along and helps the two through conflict resolution. Where and why the bug comes along on his rug is the ‘oh bless his heart’ part of the story.

The little girl that I nanny for, and I loved this story. We read it a multitude of times and laughed out loud every single time. As an adult I enjoyed the happily ever after between two unlikely friends.

Happy Summer Reading 2023!

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