Dear Addi by Regina Cole

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Dear Addi by Regina Cole
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (85 pgs)
Other: M/F, Anal Play, Spanking
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

When Addison Laine discovers her famous late-aunt’s love letters, she never expects a lawsuit over the information they contain.

Enter Jackson Poole, son of the woman responsible for the lawsuit. Addi knows any relationship with Jackson would be disastrous but she can’t fight her attraction to his quiet intelligence and sexy-professor style.

As Jackson works on authenticating the letters, he finds himself falling for the free-spirited Addi. His fierce need for her overcomes all his reservations—and his inhibitions.

And sweet, exciting Addi is more than willing to help him explore his secret kinky side.

In the mood for a sexy romp with a little conflict and light drama to spice things up? Look no further than Dear Addi for a story with an unusual premise to get the hero and heroine together. It doesn’t take long for nature to take its course and a nicely told romance unfolds for a reader to enjoy.

The idea behind this tale is cute. I liked that messages from the past between two lovers could have the power to influence the future and perpetuate the legacy of love for another generation. I understand that way back when, the art of writing letters was truly profound. Those old letters contained so much emotion and those eloquently worded missives captured hearts and minds alike. In this day and age, the written word between lovers is not painstakingly labored over, sprinkled with perfume or dried flower petals and sent through the mail to the ones we are falling for. Nowadays, it’s cell phones, texting and the language of physical love that holds the most influence.

Nothing explores that physicality as well as Ms. Cole’s characters. With Jackson and Addi, each encounter adds another layer of trust. Addi inspires Jackson to try new kinks just by her being receptive to the things he tries. The fact that he is able to bring her extreme pleasure inspires him to try other sexual things – fantasies he’s kept hidden in a darker part of himself. Her easy acceptance and pure enjoyment gives him a confidence he never had before. By the same token, Addi finds herself with a man who, by his very presence, has her feeling a level of sensations and closeness she’s never before experienced. It sounds rosy, doesn’t it?

No story can be totally happy and joyous. There has to be a trial that makes it all worth it. The conflict takes the form of Jackson’s mother. Her obsession is very self-centered and at one point, verges on the cusp of criminality and, dare I say, she has the morals of a viper. One of the high points was Addi’s verbal response to the woman in the only scene where the two women were together. It was quite notable. At the same time that I enjoyed the interaction and how it stirred the conflict, I also thought it ended kind of weird. Just the way it was written really made me question Jackson’s mother’s sanity. I’m not sure if that was the author’s intent but how she flounced off had me thinking she needed to be medicated or in a hospital herself for observation. It was like she was in her own little world and, as twisted and illogical as it was, it made perfect sense to her. Add in her cattiness and willingness to break the law and her actions were unsurprising to me. I figured she’d do something. What she does, I questioned if she actually had the time to do it, and how she even figured out the lay of the land to even find it in the first place and how she solved the question of location when Addi couldn’t: those were some of the questions that bothered me with the revelation later in the book.

On the other hand, Jackson’s response was wonderful, manly and all around hero-worthy. For a quiet guy, when push comes to shove, he knows how to take action and he does it with style. Plus he’s great with an apology; another good point in his favor.

Dear Addi is a simple romance with sexy highlights. It has a hero and heroine that entertain a reader while on their journey to falling in love. There’s lots of opportunity for readers to enjoy what makes this book erotic while finding moments of tenderness with heart touching scenes to bring a little depth to the tale. It even has a wonderful happy ever after. This story was a pleasure to read.

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