Winter Blogfest: Kathleen Buckley

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment for a chance to win any one of my e-books. They’re all clean (no explicit sex) but not exactly sweet. Think of Georgette Heyer or Mary Kingswood.


Christmas Memories of My Father by Kathleen Buckley


Many of my childhood Christmas memories are of my father. He loved Christmas: the food, the gifts, the music. When he was a child, gifts were clothing rather than toys.

One year in Fairbanks, Alaska, Christmas trees were in short supply; they weren’t locally sourced unless you went out and cut one, not an attractive option at -50° F. (-45.5 C.). Gritting his teeth, Dad bought an artificial tree. It was white and fluffy like a Persian cat. We never bought another tree: the limbs on this one were all in the right place, it was easy to assemble, the right size, and it didn’t shed needles.

But mostly I recall the food rather than gifts or decorating because he liked to cook, although the vintage broadsword he gave me one year was a delightful surprise as was the KitchenAid Junior mixer the year I broke a wooden spoon mixing the very stiff dough for a Portuguese Christmas cake. The mixer is still going strong some forty years later.

I don’t recall why he began to make fruitcake, but once he did, his Christmas preparations began in September. He’d soak quantities of candied fruit in brandy in a big container that was stored in the front hall closet. Fortunately, everyone, including guests, used the back door. Then he’d make the cakes in tube pans. When they were done, he’d put them in decorative cans and put a brandy-soaked sponge in a paper cup in the center and let them age, refreshing the sponges occasionally. They made better gifts than the mass-produced fruitcake loaves.   

There was the year we visited family friends on Christmas morning and left the turkey soaking in the sink. When we came home, our Siamese cat had eaten the skin off the breast. Our turkeys always roasted with a strip of bacon on each drumstick and one or two on the breast. A few more strips covered the damage and kept the breast moist.


Most of all, I remember the turkey stuffing. Bread stuffing tends to be bland. Dad’s stuffing scented the entire house. In addition to pork sausage and ground beef, it contained poultry seasoning and cinnamon. I still make it, although I no longer cook a turkey. Sausage stuffing has made a comeback. I applaud the trend but think Dad’s is better.


1 pound bulk pork sausage (one of those rolls like Jimmy Dean’s is what I use)

1½ pounds of lean ground beef

1 cup chopped onion

1 teaspoon celery salt

1 cube chicken bouillon or equivalent in the powdered form

1 tablespoon poultry seasoning

¼ teaspoon pepper

¾ cup fine bread crumbs

5 teaspoons cinnamon

2 ½ cups water

Fry the sausage and beef, mashing it fine so there are no lumps. Sauté the onions and add them and the crumbs. Add the celery salt, pepper, and poultry seasoning. Dissolve the bouillon in the water and add it. Cook until the flavors blend, then add the cinnamon and cook a little longer.


Allan Everard, an earl’s illegitimate son, is dismissed from his employment at his father’s death but inherits a former coaching inn. Needing to make a new life in London, he begins by leasing the inn to a charity. 

Unexpectedly orphaned, Rosabel Stanbury and her younger sister are made wards of a distant, unknown cousin. Fearing his secretive ways and his intentions for them, Rosabel and Oriana flee to London where they are taken in by a women’s charity. 

Drawn into Rosabel’s problems, with his inn under surveillance by criminals, Allan has only a handful of unlikely allies, including an elderly general, a burglar, and an old lady who knows criminal slang.

A traditional romance.



Kathleen Buckley has loved writing ever since she learned to read. After a career which included light bookkeeping, working as a paralegal, and a stint as a security officer, she began to write as a second career, rather than as a hobby. Her first historical romance was penned (well, word processed) after re-reading Georgette Heyer’s Georgian/Regency romances. She is now the author of ten Georgian romances: An Unsuitable Duchess, Most Secret, Captain Easterday’s Bargain, A Masked Earl, A Duke’s Daughter, Portia and the Merchant of London, A Westminster Wedding, A Peculiar Enchantment, By Sword and Fan, and Hidden Treasures. While an eleventh is in production she is writing the twelfth.

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Buy the book at Amazon.

What I would tell an aspiring or new author (and often have) by Kathleen Buckley – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kathleen Buckley will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What I would tell an aspiring or new author (and often have)

Learning to write well takes time. Athletes train and practice a lot; so do musicians and artists. Your first attempts will not be your best. Write every day if you can, or at least regularly. Turn off your phone/radio/TV and put a Do Not Disturb sign on your door if you don’t live alone. What you write about doesn’t matter as much as that you write: a long, chatty letter, a journal entry, an account of something you saw or experienced, an anecdote about your pet iguana. It’s all practice. I’ve heard it claimed that writing by hand is helpful because supposedly the connection between your brain, hand and paper is shorter than between your brain, fingers and keyboard. Try it if you wish. After all, Jane Austen and Sir Walter Scott wrote by hand and they did all right.

Approach writing as you would any major project and take it one step at a time. Do not become discouraged. Do not wait for inspiration to strike. Maybe you know how the story starts, develops, and finishes. Good. You’re a planner. Maybe you know how it starts…and how it will somehow end. You’re a seat-of-the-pants writer (a “pantser”). That’s all right, too. My own books tend to grow out of the characters rather than the characters being forced to follow my plans.

If you find yourself stalled at some point in your story, don’t despair. Maybe you’re tired or having a bad week at work. Letting it sit for a few days or a week should take care of that. After years, I learned that when I don’t know how to continue, it’s because what I want my characters to do is inconsistent with the way I’ve developed them. The characters have gone on strike. This happened in Hidden Treasures. I’d come to the place where I needed to start wrapping the story up and my mind was a blank. Drag the villain in front of a magistrate and… And what? He was not a conventionally good man but he wasn’t evil. His secretive ways frightened the female protagonist, and rightly so. He was not unkind. What if everything he had done came from good intentions or because he had few or no good options in the harsh 18th century. That idea gave me a satisfyingly twisty conclusion.

You’ve finished your story or novel. Wonderful! Go over it, looking for typos, grammatical infelicities, words that aren’t quite the right word, and clunky writing*. Do not—NOT!—throw it up on KDP immediately. That seldom turns out well. Set it aside for a month and do not look at it. Then go over it again. You’ll almost certainly find the above problems and maybe also glitches with flow or continuity or where the character’s description or backstory changes. Fix them. In theory, a spelling and grammar checker should help weed out common problems. In my experience, the free ones are pretty useless. If you are not confident about those necessary skills, if you have a friend, relative or fellow aspiring author who is, see if they’ll go over it for you.

But that’s not all there is to being a writer. Learn to accept literary criticism because there will be some, no matter how successful you become. My own opinion of James Joyce’s Ulysses would strip paint. Learn the difference between valid, helpful criticism (the politically correct word is “critique”) and criticism that is not useful.

“If the author had revealed something of the protagonist’s mind rather than only his actions, we might understand what motivated his heroic action.” Translation: deep POV needed.

“I wish the author had not had her Regency period characters use modern catchphrases and slang and had done enough research to know that gas street lamps were not widely used in London until the mid-19th century.” Unless you know the subject you’re writing about intimately, do your research.

“This book sucked. It was a total waste of money.” This is not helpful because it tells nothing about why the reader disliked it. Maybe the subject matter “triggered” him/her. Maybe it simply didn’t appeal.

“It’s a romance so I expected a steamy read.” This may be semi-valid if the cover of your sweet/traditional romance shows half-clothed characters. Reader, be warned: if there are no unclad people passionately embracing, there probably won’t be explicit sex.

Don’t expect to make enough money to give up your day job. Most writers don’t earn enough to do that. But if you love writing, don’t stop.

*Clunky writing: telling rather than showing, passive verbs, too many or misplaced clauses, too many or weak adjectives and adverbs. Examples of the latter: “She ran quickly” conveys less than “She sprinted”, and “…pretty pink petals” is vague. “…petals soft as pink silk” is a more vivid image.

Allan Everard, an earl’s illegitimate son, is dismissed from his employment at his father’s death but inherits a former coaching inn. Needing to make a new life in London, he begins by leasing the inn to a charity.

Unexpectedly orphaned, Rosabel Stanbury and her younger sister are made wards of a distant, unknown cousin. Fearing his secretive ways and his intentions for them, Rosabel and Oriana flee to London where they are taken in by a women’s charity.

Drawn into Rosabel’s problems, with his inn under surveillance by criminals, Allan has only a handful of unlikely allies, including an elderly general, a burglar, and an old lady who knows criminal slang. A traditional romance.

Enjoy an Excerpt

“Sir, we came to London to live with our grandfather, but he is ill, and we couldn’t see him, and our uncle’s wife didn’t believe we are his grandchildren, and now we have no place to go.”

Rosabel wished whoever he was might be able to aid them, knowing she dare not trust him, not after their encounter with the woman at the inn. He was probably a rakehell. Gentlemen did not otherwise concern themselves with females of the servant class, as they must appear to be, clad in their dusty, countrified clothing.

Blinking away her last tears, she was tempted to revise her opinion. His plain black suit, slight body, and untidy hair suggested quite another sort of man. His eyes twinkled when she met his gaze. “May I introduce myself, ma’am? Wilfred Simmons, curate, St. Giles-without-Cripplegate. If you and your sister have nowhere to stay, your situation is serious. London is a hard place even for men if they have no work and no money. A female without resources risks danger to both body and soul. Please let me assist you.”

She bit her lip. Mr. Simmons appeared to be respectable. He had a gentleman’s voice and was no more than four-and-twenty, she guessed. Beside her, Ory sniffed dolefully.

“You are wise not to be too trusting. I have friends who will vouch for me inside.” He smiled at her expression. “Ma’am, no one has ever been abducted from St. George’s Church, Hanover Square.”

About the Author: Kathleen Buckley writes traditional historical romance (i.e. no explicit sex). There are fewer ballrooms and aristocratic courting rituals in her books and more problems than does-he-love-me/does-he-not. Sometimes there’s humor. Kathleen wanted to write from the time she learned to read and pursued this passion through a Master’s Degree in English, followed by the kind of jobs one might expect: light bookkeeping, security officer, paralegal. She did sell two stories to the late Robert Bloch, author of Psycho. And no, he wasn’t late at the time.

After moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico, she wrote her first historical romance, striving for Georgette Heyer’s style, followed by nine more.

In Kathleen’s gentle romances, the characters tend to slide into love rather than fall in lust. Their stories are often set against the background of family relationships, crime, and legal issues, probably because of her work in a law firm.

When she’s not writing or reading, she enjoys cooking dishes from eighteenth century cookbooks. Those dishes and more appear in her stories. Udder and root vegetables, anyone?

Kathleen Buckley’s current work in progress is her first historical mystery, tentatively titled A Murder of Convenience.

Website | Instagram | Amazon AuthorPage

Buy the book at Amazon.

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LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: Hidden Treasures by Kathleen Buckley

Thanks for joining us on our 17th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!

Allan Everard, an earl’s illegitimate son, is dismissed from his employment at his father’s death but inherits a former coaching inn. Needing to make a new life in London, he begins by leasing the inn to a charity.

Unexpectedly orphaned, Rosabel Stanbury and her younger sister are made wards of a distant, unknown cousin. Fearing his secretive ways and his intentions for them, Rosabel and Oriana flee to London where they are taken in by a women’s charity.

Drawn into Rosabel’s problems, with his inn under surveillance by criminals, Allan has only a handful of unlikely allies, including an elderly general, a burglar, and an old lady who knows criminal slang.

Buy the book at Books2Read.


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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winter Blogfest: Kathleen Buckley

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment for a chance to win an eBook edition of A Peculiar Enchantment. NOTE: Despite the cover and the title, this is a traditional romance, not a fantasy or paranormal.

Memories of Meat-and-Cinnamon Stuffing by Kathleen Buckley

For holidays most of us want the dishes we grew up with, and those traditions change slowly. When I was growing up, the basics of our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners were always the same: turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, mince and pumpkin pies. A very middle-America dinner…except for two things. The first was that my father cooked it because he loved to cook. The second was the stuffing. My mother hated it, having grown up with turkey dressing consisting of soggy seasoned breadcrumbs. I preferred his stuffing, which he said was more like what was used in the eighteenth century.

It was not a dish for the cholesterol-conscious, consisting of cooked ground beef and bulk pork sausage. The breadcrumbs and sauteed onion played a minor supporting role. The spices included cinnamon: a lot of cinnamon.

I still make my father’s meat-and-cinnamon stuffing,forcemeat as it would have been called two hundred years ago. Now it warms up in a casserole instead of in a turkeybecause the last few years the main course has featured a turkey hindquarter. But the rest of the menu has altered, too. Hold the mashed spuds and gravy as neither I nor my roommate care for them. Gelatine salad? Ummm, no. Waldorf salad instead. The pumpkin pie contains chile (yes, here in New Mexico that is the correct spelling) and chopped candied ginger, not pumpkin pie spice. The mincemeat pie has not changed.

I’ve added a couple of recipes for holiday treats: first Russian tea cakes and then, since moving to New Mexico, bizcochitos. They’re the state cooky and by long tradition they contain lard, brandy or sherry, anise, and cinnamon in addition to the usual cooky ingredients.


What can you look forward to when your only relatives call you ugly, unbalanced, and a scandal? What would you do if your only friend was threatened? Dependent on her half brother, the Earl of Lamburne, Adelaide knows. She wants to escape.

Gervase Ducane, invited to Lamburne’s home to court his daughter, is torn. He needs to marry well and soon but not this spiteful chit. Should he buy a commission instead? Seek a wealthy merchant’s daughter? As a marquess’s brother, he has at least a noble connection to offer an heiress apart from his good manners. And why is he only now meeting the earl’s delightful half sister?

Ordered to stay away from the house party, Adelaide rebels. She will make her unwelcome, embarrassing presence known to avenge herself and her pet. Sometimes when you least expect it, magic happens.


Kathleen Buckley has loved writing ever since she learned to read. After a career which included light bookkeeping, working as a paralegal, and a stint as a security officer (fascinating!), she began to write as a second career, rather than as a hobby. Her first historical romance was penned (well, word processed) after re-reading Georgette Heyer’s Georgian/Regency romances and realizing that Ms. Heyer would never be able to write another (having died some forty years earlier). She is now the author of eight published Georgian romances: An Unsuitable Duchess, Most Secret, Captain Easterday’s Bargain, A Masked Earl, A Duke’s Daughter, Portia & the Merchant of London, A Westminster Wedding, and A Peculiar Enchantment.

Warning: no bodices are ripped in her romances, which might be described as “powder & patch & peril” rather than Jane Austen drawing room. They contain no explicit sex, but do contain mild bad language, as the situations in which her characters find themselves sometimes call for an oath a little stronger than “Zounds!”

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