Passionate for Justice by Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe

Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time by Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe
Publisher: Church Publishing
Genre: Historical, Non-Fiction, Contemporary, Inspirational
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Ida B. Wells was a powerful churchwoman and witness for justice and equity from 1878–1931. Born enslaved, her witness flowed through the struggles for justice in her lifetime, especially in the intersections of African Americans, women, and those who were poor. Her life is a profound witness for faith-based work of visionary power, resistance, and resilience for today’s world, when the forces of injustice stand in opposition to progress.

These are exciting and dangerous times. Boundaries that previously seemed impenetrable are now being crossed. This book is a guide for the current state of affairs in American culture, enlivened by the historical perspective of Wells’ search for justice.

The authors are an African-American woman and a child of white supremacy. Both have dedicated themselves to working, writing, and developing ministries oriented toward justice, equity, and mercy. This book can be used in all settings, but most especially in churches (pastors and other church leaders, study groups), seminaries, and universities.

Ida B Wells, an unsung hero for our times.

I hadn’t read anything about Ida B Wells and when I saw this book, I picked it up. I’m glad I did. I knew nothing about this trailblazing woman and I should’ve. She was a strong woman, a forthright person and a force to be reckoned with. She’s a hero of women’s rights, of human rights and shows how to keep going no matter what. She witnessed some of the most awful things in history, but kept her head up.

There is a thread of discussion on race relations in this book as well as the upbringings of the authors, who weren’t alive during Wells’s time. This book requires the reader to think and consider their own upbringing in light of the world issues. This isn’t an easy book to read, but it’s worth the time.

If you’re looking for a book that’s thought-provoking, then this is the one for you.

Marked by Sean Michael

Marked by Sean Michael
Publisher: self-published
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic Romance
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Cody can’t help but watch Barker, even if he knows it’s stupid, especially around the full moon. Even with sunglasses to hide his deformity, though, he can’t keep Barker away from him, and he can’t manage to say no when Barker calls Cody “mine”.

Barker has never agreed with the pack banishing Cody. So what if Cody doesn’t fit into the narrow confines of what the pack says is normal? He should never have let Cody go, and he’s not about to let his mate slip through his fingers again.

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Cody is caught somewhere between being a man and a wolf. In agonizing pain every month but unable to fully change, he has struggled alone with this for more than ten years. He can’t help himself though, Cody is constantly drawn back to Barker, his mate, whom Cody can’t resist but equally can’t give in and finally bond with. Thrown out by the pack, cursed and assumed he would soon die, Cody knew his would be a life of isolation and pain. But Barker isn’t willing to give up on his mate and is determined there must be something they can do to help Cody. Can they find a way to work through this?

I enjoyed this paranormal romance. Cody and Barker have a bucket-load of chemistry and the attraction sizzles right from the very first page. While it’s clear the two men have been circling each other for years, the sex between them is explosive immediately and as the reader it took me a few minutes to catch up and realise this was far deeper and more emotional than an erotic story of insta-lust. Both Cody and Barker are right on the edge, having denied themselves over and over for a decade now and each have grown and matured to the point where they’re ready now to try and make their situation work.

Often these sort of highly intense and explicit paranormal stories are written so the growth between the main characters and the relationship itself is the plot – but I was really pleased the author made this story much more than that. While yes, Cody and Barker need to define and grow into their relationship and the issues they’ve each carried with them for their ten years of back-and-forth there was also quite a few other plotlines – Cody’s inner wolf, his inability to shift and the complications from his Clan and family having thrown him out and tried to kill him when he was excommunicated. There is quite a lot of other items happening in this story and I feel that balances out the large amount of explicit sex quite well.

I was impressed the author didn’t just hedge around a number of these plot points and personal issues – I feel they were well detailed and resolved throughout the story in between the sex and relationship development. While Cody and Barker’s relationship was central to the story I feel the author did justice to the paranormal plot and particularly the more complicated plot surrounding Cody’s family as well. Readers should be aware though that there is a suicide attempt in this story (not overly graphic and certainly not in a titillating manner) that might be difficult/confronting for some readers.

Seriously hot and explicit but with solid character development, a complicated relationship and a number of interesting sub-plots I really enjoyed this story and feel it should satisfy many readers.