Winter Blogfest: Darragha Foster

This post is part of Long and Short Reviews’ Winter Blogfest.

This author is also a professional card reader!

Norse Mythology inspired, Buddhist concept interpreted intuitive readings—and the first twenty who email with the subject line: NEW YEAR’S READING, will get a free 3-card “general” reading about your brilliant 2018.

My mama taught me how to “read” for people (psychometry and tea leaves) when I was 12 years old. Her mother had taught her. So…not to give away my age, but I’ve been doing professional readings for over 40 years.

Let’s do this!

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Her right fist is all that matters, until she meets a shape-shifter, whom she first bests in a fight, then makes love to him. Is the only constant really death?
On the eve of the most important battle of her life, Reggie is forced to choose between her will to survive, and her need to love.
It all goes back to the three rules of the pit. Sharpen your wits. Watch you back. And don’t fall in love.

About the Author: Darragha Foster is the author of a myriad of strange and wonderful romance novels featuring such unique heroes and heroines as shape-shifting orca whales and vampiric bed and breakfast owners.

She lives and loves in Bellingham, Washington, a city with a claim to fame for having had way too many serial killers visit due its proximity to the Canadian border. She thinks the best place to get fried oysters is, unfortunately, the local establishment known to have served drinks to at least three notorious murderers. Got to be a story in there somewhere!

Darragha lives outside the city limits with her husband and several animals.



  1. That sounds like an intriguing talent to have. I will have to ponder whether I am brave enough to take you up on your offer, lol. This sounds like an intriguing story. Thank you for sharing!

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