The Chocolate Bunny Brouhaha by JoAnna Carl

The Chocolate Bunny Brouhaha by JoAnna Carl
Publisher: Berkley Books
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

The approach of Easter means a rush of business at TenHuis Chocolade, and Lee Woodyard and her aunt Nettie need all the help they can get to make their famous chocolate bunnies. Unfortunately, new hire Bunny Birdsong is a klutzy basket case. But to Lee’s surprise, she’s a wiz with computers and fixing the store’s website, so they decide to keep her.

However, Bunny receives a few visitors they could do without: Her soon-to-be ex-husband Beau, his wealthy aunt Abigail, and his new girlfriend and her brother all descend on the shop one day and have a bitter argument. Lee hopes they can find a peaceful way to settle their dispute, but when Abigail’s body is discovered in the vacant store next door, it’s clear to Lee there’s a bad egg in her midst. Now she’s on the hunt to find out who it is…

This mystery will get quite sticky..

I’ve never read anything by JoAnna Carl, so I was interested in reading this one. I like chocolate, so a mystery and chocolate? Yes, please. This book plugs along just fine and the writing is interesting. I’m glad I picked it up.

I have to say I wasn’t totally enthralled with the characters. Bunny is cute, but Lee seemed almost judgmental. I did enjoy reading it, so there was that and I wanted to see what would happen to Bunny. I didn’t like her ex and I wasn’t fond of the rest of her family, so that kept me invested in the story. I did need to know what would go on next.

If you’re looking for a cute mystery that’s a nice afternoon read, then this might be the one for you.

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