The Tutor by Rod A. Galindo

The Tutor: A Ghost Story by Rod A. Galindo
Publisher: Wordwraith Books
Genre: Contemporary, Sci-fi/Fantasy, Horror
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Lavender

Young Max hates Fourth Grade math. His teenage friend Claire is an ace with numbers, and is always eager to help him with his homework. Max adores her, and loves when she visits him in the old house on Hollow Street.

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If you’re in the mood for a quick short story with surprises, this could be a good one to check out.

At first glance, “The Tutor: A Ghost Story” appears to be a narrative of two kids having fun, entertaining each other with ghost stories. By the end though, there is so much more to the tale. Readers won’t see it coming.

Max, a kid doing homework, and Claire, helping him, are brought to life in such a short space of time as their tale unfolds. Readers are smoothly brought along for the ride as good descriptions help to fill out the tapestry of the plot.

Expectations are well met for those in the mood to read good ghost stories. The author did a good job bringing it all together in a satisfying way.

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