Atlantis Rising by T. A. Barron

Atlantis Rising by T. A. Barron
Publisher: Philomel (Penguin Books)
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Full Length (384 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 10+
Rated 5 stars
Reviewed by Lupine

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

In a magical land called Ellegandia, a young boy named Promi scrapes by, stealing pies, cakes and sweets to survive. But little does he know that his country is a pawn in an ages-old war between good and evil, battled both in the spirit realm and in the human world. Harboring secrets of his own, Promi teams up with a courageous girl named Atlanta and the two vow to save their land—and each other—no matter the cost. But their vow has greater repercussions than they ever could imagine—in fact, it may just bring about the creation of Atlantis, an island cut off from the rest of the world, where magic reigns supreme.

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Promi steals food, clothes and anything else he needs to survive. But little does he know that when he attempts to steal a pie from the Divine monk that he would be caught, thrown in a dismal dungeon and his life would change forever. Soon, he learns that his country is a battleground for a war between the spirit realm and human kind. Hiding a birthmark that has been written about in multiple prophecies, Promi tries to ignore the imminent battle that will come. But when he meets a smart girl named Atlanta, the two of them, and a kermuncle named Kermi, try to save their land—and each other—no matter what happens. But their actions reap a much bigger surprise…

This book was a total page turner. There was never a dull moment, and there were plenty of surprises hidden around the corners. I was frantically flipping through the pages, anxious to see what would happen next and frequently surprised by what did occur.

The characters were what really made the book great, though. Though they started out as perhaps less than admirable, I was pleased with the changes of heart that the characters went through while they journeyed together. It was, overall, one of the best stories about Atlantis that I have read yet.

It’s perfect for fans of Mythology, folklore and fantasy of all ages.

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