A Time for War, A Time for Peace by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

A Time for War, A Time for Peace by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Action/Adventure
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Nick is a soldier from Eastern Europe, making a life in America. Tina catches his eye as a customer in the diner that he runs. Attraction leads to love but before they can enjoy their newfound relationship, the fight for freedom in Kosovo draw Nick back to his homeland.

At first, he plans to go alone to protect Tina, but he can’t leave her so she comes with him to face a world fraught with danger, fear, and hardship. When she becomes pregnant, he sends her home and plans to follow. If he survives, if he returns to her, then they have a chance at their happily ever after in the United States.

If they can make it, they’ll be golden, but can they make it?

I’d never read anything by Ms Sontheimer Murphy until this week and I’m glad I rectified that problem. This story flows well. The characters are captivating and I couldn’t put it down. I rooted for the couple to make it and have a happy ending. Boy, I got emotionally involved and that’s a good thing.

Tina and Nick are fascinating characters. He can’t handle the fact that his homeland is in danger. He also can’t leave Tina behind. He’s in a truly rough place, but he’s determined not to give up. That’s what I liked about him. He’s strong, but he’s not so strong he can’t show a sensitive side. Then there’s Tina. She’s strong, too. She is relatable and I could see her as someone I knew. I liked that because it helped me get involved with the story. The heat between them is great, too. I knew they had a connection because I could feel it.

If you’re looking for a read that’s not always easy, but it’s got a lot of heart and heat, then this might be the one for you. Give it a try.

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