Soul Keeper by Viola Grace

Soul Keeper by Viola Grace
Publisher: Devine Destinies
Genre: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (94 Pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by Foxglove

Zeyan has been banished by her own race and her talents have developed under the careful eye of the instructors at the Citadel. When a psychic plague breaks out that shatters the mind body connection, the locals call the Sector Guard and they, in turn, call the Soul Keeper. It is time for her to return home.

Orenn has envied his cousin Fenn’s life and love in the Sector Guard. As a telepath at the Citadel he recognizes a powerful will when he sees it and when Zeyan looks into his eyes, he also sees his future stretching before him, with her at his side.

He had no idea it was going to be the other way around.

Viola Grace has, once again, created a world filled with adventure, passion and unique races. I was worried that I would miss her Sector Guard folks, but the Tales of the Citadel will continue to bring the teams in, but now the Guard is simply back up to the psychics and healers who help the Guard do their jobs so admirably. I like this new angle, and the new characters Ms. Grace continues to introduce.

Banished from her home planet simply because of her psychic talent, Zeyan finds a home at The Citadel, helping those in need of her unique kind of comfort. She likes her life there, even if it is a bit isolated and lonely.

Orenn has watched Zeyan as she has matured into her talent, and is determined to win her heart and have her by his side in a shared future. Little does he know, things rarely go as planned, even for those at The Citadel. So, males who are suffering from oligospermia and best viagra in india trying how to get rid of oligospermia may take efficient natural herbal supplement Spermac capsules certainly. Make Your Teen a Safer, Smarter Driver believes “Either underestimating their role and lacking effective methods parents are failing to equip their teenagers with the skills to manage and acceptdifferences in their relationship, as well as also decreasing dysfunctional patterns in the partnership. sildenafil from canada It has natural aphrodisiacs and generico viagra on line potent herbs to cure low sperm count problem naturally. It forms a basis of buy pill viagra all that we do. When the separation from her home planet endangers Zeyan’s very life, an anchor must be found to restore her equilibrium, and Orenn becomes that anchor for her. And when a distress call comes from Heschell for a problem only Zeyan can remedy, can she forget the past and help those who sent her away, or wanted her dead because of her talent?

Zeyan is a strong and very independent woman, determined to use her talent to the best of her abilities. When it becomes clear that she can’t do that on her home world, she accept the challenge of joining The Citadel, and I like that she is open to all the new possibilities before her. She has strength of character, and a willingness to accept what comes her way without bitterness or regret.

Orenn is strong, handsome and intrigued by Zeyan. As a psychic and telepath, he feels a connection to Zeyan, and would like nothing more than to have her by his side always. He is loyal, caring, and when it becomes necessary for Zeyan to have an anchor to save her life, Orenn does not hesitate. I like his ability to accept her as she is, and support her when it becomes apparent that, at times, she will be the dominant talent needed for a particular case.

There are some big surprises in this, especially with the return to Heschell to treat the plague victims. When the Sector Guard and the Citadel members encounter the danger and treachery of an untrained and vindictive talent, things could go two ways, and it takes the skills of everyone to set things right.

I would recommend Soul Keeper to all who like long, slow courtships, with a touch of danger and adventure, and new worlds to conquer all in one package.

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