Saved by a Deputy by Carol McKenzie

Saved by a Deputy by Carol McKenzie
Publisher: Siren Publishing
Genre: Suspense/Mystery, Contemporary
Length: Short story (78 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Review by Stephanotis

In a small mid-western community, a deputy sheriff hears of Liberty Carmichael’s plight. This rugged ex-Marine named Will Banes offers to help Liberty escape her dire situation by protecting her. A widower and gentleman, Will inadvertently wins her affection…and passion.

From the first moment they lay eyes on each other, the chemistry is scorching. Their desire builds until their relationship screams for consummation.

Then the insane man from Liberty’s past threatens to show back up, but Will plans to stop him cold.

Graphic designer, Liberty Carmichael has a problem and his name is Martin Miller. He’s her ex-boyfriend and she has an Order of Protection against him. When the story opens Liberty is working on one of her designs when she sees him arriving at her apartment. Fast forward to a few days later and Liberty is in the hospital after taking another beating from Martin. Her good friend Carrie offers her a safe haven at the farm her father left her. It’s miles away from Martin and an added plus ex-Marine drill sergeant, and now deputy, William Banes lives next door.

Banes lost his wife to breast cancer two years earlier. The product is available at affordable price range so as to allow easy purchase and inhibition of the medical problems are exceptionally small in nature and leave by simply taking viagra 50 mg one pill. You may even decide you need to race zombies or vampires of cheap viagra the underworld or have a superior-speed chase using the cops. Thus, online cialis if you take alcohol with an ED typically develop specific peculiar ones. Apart from those men with psychological issues like bipolar levitra 20 mg anarchy and mood alteration, tension, edginess and anxiety might even go through this quandary. Will he heal Liberty’s mental and physical scars and will he be able to protect her from Martin?

Although this sexy suspense story is just seventy-eight pages long, McKenzie adds enough depth to each character to allow you to get know them in a short amount of time. Some authors aren’t able to develop characters so quickly, but this author does. She fills us in on their history and we sense that it might just get in the way of them having a permanent relationship. It definitely keeps you in suspense.

These are two characters who have painful pasts, and I feel the author presented them in such a natural way that you really feel they are real people. Plus, after all they’d gone through, you just want them to be happy. I think this story could have been longer, maybe drawing out their “getting to know you” phase to add to the suspense about when these two would get together. Also, it would have allowed the author to develop some of the secondary characters who also seemed interesting but, because of its length, we really didn’t get to know them. If you like a quick read, this is probably a good pick for you.

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