Red’s Hot Cowboy by Carolyn Brown

Red’s Hot Cowboy by Carolyn Brown

Publisher: Sourcebooks

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery

Length: Full Length (357 pgs)

Heat Level: Spicy

Rating: 4.5 books

Reviewed by Nymphaea

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When Pearl Richland inherits her aunt’s 1950s motel she returns to her roots. Tired of the big city, she’s ready for small town life, especially when sexy cowboy Wil Marshall comes in to escape an ice storm. Pearl never thought she’d turn in her high heels and start dating a cowboy, but Wil’s got an awful lot to offer if a girl’s available for a whole lot of fun, sizzle, and unexpected trouble…

Rough and ready cowboy meet one sassy motel owner. Toss in a mystery or two and you’ve got the makings of a great story, Red’s Hot Cowboy by Carolyn Brown. This is one of those books you won’t want to miss.

I will warn, there are a lot of characters, but as per Ms. Brown’s style, it’s like reading about a gigantic extended family. Everyone is important to the story and I couldn’t leave any of them out. But I’m going to focus on the hero and heroine. Talk about a hoot, reading along as Pearl–love the Minnie Pearl connection–gave Wil a run for his money. She’s got some fantastic one liners. And Wil. Well, he’s written so well, I could picture him. Ms. Brown, I’d love another hero just as handsome. He’s full of concern and love for Pearl, even if he doesn’t know it. I enjoyed reading about the journey between first lust and full bloom love. And as much as she gets him going, he does the same right back to her.

I won’t give anything away, but this is one of those books you sit down and can’t help but read all at once. There’s no getting up for a drink of water or going to sleep. Nope. All the little things are important and make the story richer. Oh, and the steamy scenes, well, get the glass of water before you start. You’ll be glad you did.

If you want a book with plenty of twists, turns, hot cowboys, and a storyline that’s got to be continued (please, Ms. Brown, you’ve got the next story in the works?), then you need a copy of Red’s Hot Cowboy. It’s earned every one of the 4.5 books.

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