Love’s Bounty by Nina Pierce

Love’s Bounty by Nina Pierce
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Short (60 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4.5 Cherries
Review by Cholla

Three sisters. Three hot love stories. One family crisis.

Love’s Bounty is the second book in the Tilling Passions series.

DEA agent, Ayden Scott, is determined to bring down the drug cartel smuggling heroin into central Maine. Undercover as Austin Shaeffer, Ayden is working as lead investigator for the first time since the debacle in Miami that killed his younger brother. He will use any means necessary to extract information, including seducing the feisty redhead, Deirdre Tilling, who is employed by the suspected drug baron. But can he become embroiled in a sexual liaison while keeping his men safe and his identity secret?

Landscaping in the rural Maine town of Delmont hasn’t always been Deirdre Tilling’s only passion. Up until two months ago, it included her lover, Brianna. A bisexual, Deirdre has cultivated romances with both sexes, only to find hurt and disappointment her only bounty. Now, she’d like to give up on love. If you have a cardiovascular disease where sexual intercourse is really a restriction, sildenafil should not be on line levitra administered. Home remedies for Leucorrhea: Take the root of the famed Eurycoma Longifolia cialis 10 mg tree for himself. It is a product name only, while the products are available in the market for the purpose. buy cialis overnight Erectile dysfunction is one of those sexual disorders that do not let a man make proper erections when he is making love with his partner. cialis sales australia But with everyone in her family in a committed relationship, will Deirdre be able to find satisfaction in the sexual release offered in one-night stands, or will she continue to seek out the emotional stability only a monogamous relationship can offer?

Love’s Bounty unravels the mystery of the torrid relationship between a cop bent on proving himself and a woman struggling with her sexuality, and the subsequent discovery of drug running up the Maine coast.

Recovering from a rough breakup with her girlfriend, Deirdre Tilling goes along with her friend’s offer of a party and a good time. Ayden Scott is looking for redemption for a botched mission in Miami and hoping to revive his good name with the DEA.

Deirdre is confused and heartbroken, but immerses herself in her work in an attempt to cope and move on. Ayden is trying to prove himself worthy all over again and in many ways, his struggle mirrors Dierdre’s. She feels unworthy of love; he feels unworthy of his job. I loved the added family dynamic of bringing Dierdre’s family into the mix and the way it affects the story. She is a strong woman without being a total alpha dog. I also love the way to very opposite characters can come together for an exciting, sexy and satisfying story. These two work well together, both in and out of the bedroom.

If you’re looking for a steamy love story with the added bonuses of suspense and action, this is the perfect story for you. It brings a little bit of everything to the table in a short, well-developed story.

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