In the Hay by Keri Ford

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In the Hay by Keri Ford
Published by: Turquoise Morning, LLC
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (99 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 4 books
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

It’s been a White Picket Fence life for Nicolette. Charming, but tedious. She graduated high school, raring to go. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems though. The fear of being stuck in a rut, living a dull day-to-day life keeps Nicolette from settling on a career, despite her six years of college. When the chance arrives for her to housesit, she takes opportunity by the horns for a little playtime. She would experience life and find something that would make her happy.

Drew knows exactly what he wants. To run the family construction business. Too bad his dad doesn’t think he’s ready. They make a deal. Drew will help his cousin put up a new fence and after he’s learned hard work, the construction business is his. Drew’s not sure learning how to string fence line together will see him suitable for a career of paper pushing, but he’ll do it.

When Drew meets the wanna-be-free-spirited Nicolette, his determined thoughts of what he’s always worked for begins to sway. Nicolette’s finding the fun in life. But their relationship is temporary. A week tops.

Get ready for a sweet seduction that is full of charm, endearing characters and loads of fun.

In the Hay has a delightful hero and heroine that pull at the heartstrings, making the journey one a reader will remember.

A reader meets Nicolette and Drew right at the cross roads of their lives. Neither of them knows what they will both mean to the other but the author set the story up beautifully. The lead characters start things off in a safe manner, laying down the ground rules and expectations. They had one explosive and memorable scene that resulted in quite a few emotional time bombs. Then, one got cold feet. However, fate would not be thwarted; their relationship got a second chance and the heat only piled up from there. Lucky for me.

Ms. Ford has a unique and amusing sense of fun and the ridiculous because she has Nicolette exploring all the things she’d always wanted to do with her life. None of them are harmful but they gave the hero an opportunity he’d never had before – chances to be free, to explore the little boy inside. Both Drew and Nicolette have bowed under the expectations that their families have placed upon them. They have tried and tried to conform and earn their respect, and in this book, the time for change and learning about themselves and what they truly want is upon them. This time, they are going to be true to their inner child and the rest of the world can go fly a kite.

Actually, I think Nicolette would enjoy doing that, as well as on top of the kiddie pool and a bunch of other interesting things. My absolute favorite part in this whole book, when it comes to choosing something off of the heroine’s wish list, is the slip and slide. I adored how the author wrote that scene. It was zany, fun and totally off the wall. And, it was romantic and sweet and made me laugh. In fact that is something I did frequently throughout this story – laugh. And the cutest part about that scene? The hero wanted to do it again.

This book should have reached a higher rating and it was almost there. What held it back were some inconsistencies in the writing. There was a jarring scene of head hopping early on, a cinnamon taste that shouldn’t have been there (it should have been beer), and the missing shoes that were and were not, all at the same time. It was how the scene was written; something was left out. Plus a few misspellings as well as the bouncing between Lette and Nicolette until the author found her stride. I really wish the editor had looked a bit closer because this book deserved better.

One thing that is high quality in this story is the sensual build up. Each scene: every time Drew looked into Nicolette’s eyes, every time she smiled at him and the enthusiasm in which the heroine explored the physical side of their relationship, led them closer and closer to falling in love. He fought it, she embraced it and when they tried to keep it relegated to their earlier arrangement, they both hurt. Ms. Ford had no problems reaching my emotions; she made me care for her characters. I wanted them to be happy but I understood the need to do what they did. It cleared the air for them, made them see clearly for the first time in their lives what they were chasing and what they should have been seeking all along. That revelation and the sweet reunion was pure romance. It made everything that came before worth it.

In the Hay is, hands down, a story worthy of spending time with. Every crazy deed, every smile, and every moment Drew and Nicolette spend in each other’s arms is a moment to treasure. This book totally entertained me and was very uplifting to read. If someone needs cheering up, reading In the Hay is the cure.

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