Operation: Desire Me by Christina James

Operation: Desire Me by Christina James
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (291 pgs)
Other: M/F, Spanking, Toys
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Investigative journalist Mackenna Hillman’s determination to make a difference in the world puts her in the crosshairs of a dangerous drug lord. When she’s kidnapped in a foreign jungle, a team of Navy SEALs led by Lieutenant Cade Granville is sent in to rescue her.

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Two people who don’t seem to make sense on paper just might be the antidote they both need.

Christina James has a way with words. She’s great with spinning characters and I’m glad I got to read this book. I didn’t read the first two books in the series, but I didn’t feel lost. This was a great standalone read.

There are a few moments of telling rather than showing and independently moving body parts which drew me out of the story, but these weren’t so many that I didn’t come back to the book. I also would’ve liked to have seen a tick more action in the story. It seemed to happen quick and then be over, but again, it wasn’t enough to rip me away from the book.

Honestly, I liked this book. I liked how Mackenna and Cade got to know each other. That’s the thing with the action being over. Yes, it happened fast, but there was plenty of time for the characters to get to know each other. It happened quite naturally and at a great pace. I felt like I was there in the cabin with them and like I was in the story watching them fall together. Mackenna has more than just her job getting the story told going on with her. She believes in conservation and saving animals. I liked how Cade wasn’t nearly as opposite as he seemed in that respect. It was sexy.

If you want a book with a hot hero, a feisty heroine with more than her job on her mind, then this might be the story for you.