Top Ten Tuesday: Nature-Themed Book Titles

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Happy spring from everyone at Long and Short Reviews!

I was so excited to finally see this season arrive that I decided to make the freebie post today about nature-themed titles of books that we’ve reviewed here so far in 2022.

What do I mean by the phrase “nature-themed”? Well, the titles will all contain at least one word about rocks, rivers, flowers, or other items you might find in your own garden, at your local park, or in other nature settings.

If anyone who reads this is interested in joining our review team, our Become a Reviewer page contains all of the information you’ll need in order to do that. We have a wonderful group of reviewers already and are always happy to welcome new members aboard.

Without further delay, here are ten nature-themed books we’ve recently reviewed. Their genres will be noted in parentheses.

1. Secrets of a River Swimmer by S.S. Turner (Literary Fiction)

2. Rock of Salvation by M.J. Schiller (Romance)

3. Geo by Topher Allen (Middle Grade Fantasy)

4. Rock It to the Moon by M.J. Schiller (Romance)

5. As the Crow Flies by Damien Boyd (Mystery)

6. Fruiting Bodies by Kemi Ashing-Giwa (Science Fiction)

7. Sparrow by Brian Kindall (Middle Grade Fantasy)

8. The Seekers Garden by Isa Pearl Ritchie (Women’s Fiction)

9. One Jaded Rose by James Byron Books (Contemporary)

10. The Road to Rose Bend by Naima Simone (Romance)

Have you read any of these books? Have you read any books with nature-themed titles in general recently? Come tell us about them!


  1. Sounds like some really great books! I’ll have to check out the middle grade fantasy ones and the mystery because I love those ha.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash

    • Thank you! I reviewed the two middle grade fantasy ones, and they were both fun. I haven’t read the mystery one yet, but it sure looks good. 🙂

  2. Lovely idea for a list – there’s always time for a little more nature!
    I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so I’m using my freebie to look at 21st century classics:

  3. I love the topic you chose for this!

  4. One Jaded Rose and The Road to Rose Bend both sound particularly elluring!

  5. I haven’t read any of these yet, but I love the take on the topic!

  6. Great list – and a good mix of genres!

  7. Love your take on this week’s topic! I’m going to have to check some of these out! Happy TTT!
    My post:

  8. Denise @ Life With No Plot says

    Love your choice of topic for this week! I did something similar (flowers on covers instead of nature in titles) – I guess we’re both excited about spring finally getting here. 🙂

  9. Fab topic!

  10. I love your choice of topic. It’s always fun to be reminded about nature. I also love when books evoke visions of beautiful landscapes. 🙂

  11. I’m not familiar with these, but I always love the symbolism of nature in books titles or covers.

  12. I haven’t read any of these but Jaded Rose sounds so pretty! haha.

  13. I love your nature-themed book titles! Very fun for this week’s TTT. And thanks for commenting on my blog earlier. 🙂

  14. Wow! This is such a cool topic, especially to welcome springtime! Have you read Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi? Because that’s what came to mine when I saw your choice of topic.

    • Thank you.

      No, I haven’t read it, but I’m looking it up right now. Thanks for the recommendation.

  15. Don’t think I’ve read any of these but As The Crows Flies sounds like one I might enjoy. Great topic choice 😀

  16. Interesting list of books. Thanks for the link.

    And thanks for visiting my TTT which talks about the weather this week and that’s almost the same as nature, right?

  17. I like reading books about nature. Mainly nonfiction on plants and gardening.

  18. A great topic choice! I haven’t read any of them. I loved that you put the genre next to the book ☺️

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  19. I love this take on the prompt! So many beautiful titles.

  20. Great list! I haven’t read any of these, but Fruiting Bodies sounds interesting 😀

  21. Great list of titles!

  22. Great spin on the topic – nature on book covers is always pretty to look at too. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week!

  23. This is a fun theme for the week! 🙂 There is some very peaceful imagery going on with some of these titles and I like it lol!

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