The Man Who Wouldn’t Wear Leather by Aaron Michaels


The Man Who Wouldn’t Wear Leather by Aaron Michaels
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (15 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

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Has the jacket come back to haunt him like a bad penny, or is something else going on with Milton that Chuck knows nothing about?

Chuck loves his boyfriend Milton and happily accepts all his odd quirks. Only one thing has caused a serious ripple in all their years together – that Milton categorically refuses to wear the leather jacket Chuck scrimped and saved to buy him a year ago for their ninth anniversary. When Chuck stumbles on the real reason behind Milton’s reasons he’s surprised not only at what the reasons are, but by how much he can learn about himself in his own reaction.

I really enjoyed the blend of light-hearted fun and serious character growth in this story. Chuck is an easy going guy, in some ways the polar opposite to serious, tightly laced Milton. The author, however, manages really well to keep both characters from being one dimensional by showing how they can grow and learn from the lessons they’re dealt with. This isn’t a strictly traditional ending – though it’s very happy. The author managed to surprise me, but when I thought about it, I far preferred his resolution to what I expected. It’s not common to think too deeply about such sexy, fun short stories, but this one did make me reflect – and that’s quite high praise from what I expected would be a quick escape from reality.

A thoughtful, highly enjoyable read, I can easily recommend this story and author.

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