King Arthur’s Last Knight by D.P. Hewitt

King Arthur’s Last Knight by D.P. Hewitt
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (45 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Jim Dunn was comfortably settled into the autumn of his life, with his wife Abby. Or so he thought, until the day Jill Francent hired him to build a library in her Victorian fixer-upper. By the time he’d finished building the bookshelves and helping her with miscellaneous home repairs, he’d fallen head-over-heels in love.

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Anyone who has ever been in a long-term relationship has faced temptation at some point. Whether it’s better to ignore it or to face it directly remains to be seen, but either way Jim can’t forget that it exists.

Jim’s character development was superb. His honorable intentions were etched into every single scene, If anything, they grew stronger as he became more attached to his new friend. Seeing him wrestle with his crush on Jill only made me like him more because of how determined he was to stick to what he believed was the only moral response to those feelings.

The friendship between Jim and Jill was wonderful. My favorite scenes were the ones where he puttered around her house fixing things while she told him stories about the life she led before she moved to town. There was so much warmth and kindness in their conversations that I couldn’t stop reading. It felt like I was sitting in a quiet corner of Jill’s house watching everything unfold instead of reading a tale about two fictional characters.

What really made me fall in love with this book, though, was how it ended. It was an absolutely perfect fit for the tone and themes that had been established earlier. As I approached the final pages, I wanted to know what happened while at the same time also dreading the reality of saying goodbye to characters I’d come to care about so much.

King Arthur’s Last Knight is the best story I’ve read so far in 2015. It’s a must-read!

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