Jack Absolute by CC Humphreys

Jack Absolute by CC Humphreys
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Historical, Action/Adventure, Mystery/Suspense
Length: Full Length (270 pgs)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Introducing the unforgettable…Jack Absolute.

The year is 1777. As the war for American independence rages across the sea, London is swept off its feet by Jack Absolute, the dashing rogue in Richard Sheridan’s comedy The Rivals. That is, until the real Jack Absolute, former captain of the 16th Light Dragoons, returns after years abroad to discover this slander of his reputation.

Before he can even protest, he is embroiled in a duel over an alluring actress of questionable repute, and his only escape is the one he most dreads: to be pressed again into the King’s service—this time, as a spy for the British in the Revolutionary War.

From the streets of London to the bloody battlefields of Saratoga, from the forest fights to the Hudson to the seedy corners of wintry Philadelphia, Jack Absolute marks the exhilarating beginning of an epic historical series and a character you won’t soon forget.

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Jack Absolute is an interesting story. It’s a historical, sure, but there are so many fantastic aspects of the book that it almost reads like a James Bond story. There are plenty of details, twists and turns to draw the reader in.

I have to admit, I had to re-read more than a couple of paragraphs a few times to make sure I didn’t miss anything. There is a lot going on in this plot, plus there are many jumps back and forth in time that can be jarring to the reader. If you can invest the time to read very carefully, you won’t be disappointed.

Jack Absolute is in situations he never expected to be in—he’s a spy and with the help of his Indian brother, he’s sent to spy on the Illuminati. He doesn’t feel he belongs there, oh, and he’s got the affections of an actress of questionable repute to deal with as well. The guy has his plate full.

It’s a good read and fantastical. Granted, there are historical details that may or may not be true, but this book doesn’t claim to be a perfect retelling of the times. It’s still fiction, after all. Still, this book delivers an interesting mystery at breakneck speed. You won’t want to miss it.

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