freefall by Susan Rae

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freefall by Susan Rae
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (260 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

Freak accident, or attempted murder? Kate needs answers to her brother’s plane crash, but can she trust undercover DEA agent “Spike” Larsen to deliver them?

He felt as if he was falling—freefalling through 15,000 feet—without a parachute. It was exciting, thrilling—and deadly. He’d brought Kate up here to protect her, to keep her out of trouble. He’d told himself he owed that much to Keith. Now all he wanted to do was take her down into the cabin and ravage her ‘til dawn…

Kate Reynolds’s quest to unravel the mystery of her brother’s plane crash throws her into the turbulent wake of suave pilot/mechanic Everett Larsen. His gray gaze ignites in her a passion as powerful as a jet stream, but it also sparks a memory…

Drawn to Milwaukee by Keith’s cryptic message, Larsen is unprepared for the torrent of emotion he feels when he sees Kate—after his wife’s death, he is afraid to love again. But when Kate gets too close to the truth, he is even more afraid to lose her.

Can Kate solve the mystery of Keith’s plane crash before she has an “accident” of her own?

After losing her job and going through a tough divorce, Kate is just beginning to put the pieces of her life back together and has even started her own business. Her brother’s plane crash throws Kate’s life back into chaos. When she learns her brother needs her, Kate braves her fear of flying and immediately heads out to Wisconsin to be at his bedside. I admire Kate’s strength and stamina when faced with the severity of her brother’s injuries and the fact that he’s in a coma. She literally puts her life on hold and does whatever it takes to remain at his side. When it becomes apparent that Keith’s crash wasn’t an accident, Kate is determined to find out why.

Kate is a well rounded, likable character. She’s an intelligent, strong, and stubborn woman who isn’t about to let anyone push her around. Kate tends to want to do things her way, so when Everett pushes his way into her life, Kate grudgingly accepts his help. Kate and Everett have great chemistry, and it isn’t long before the sparks start to fly and culminate into some very well written love scenes. However, there are a lot of trust issues between Kate and Everett. They both profess to be falling in love with each other, yet their actions sometimes tell a very different story. I was disturbed at how often they withheld vital information from each other. Kate and Everett both expected trust from the other, and yet both weren’t willing to give trust in return. Their dishonesty gets them into several scrapes that could have easily been avoided had they been upfront with each other.

I think that the mystery of Keith’s plane crash was too easy to solve, and I was able to figure out who the culprit was very early on in the story. Consequently, I found it frustrating to watch Kate try and put the pieces together. My main suspect’s behavior was so obvious. He had a convenient answer for every question Kate threw at him and that should have been a huge red flag for Kate. Despite this issue, I will say that there were a couple of characters who did manage to surprise me in the end. Also, the suspense regarding when and if Keith would wake up from his coma is very well done. I couldn’t wait to find out just how much Keith knew about his “accident.”

There are many attempts to tarnish Keith’s good reputation throughout the story. While Kate says she doesn’t believe the accusations, she actually begins to doubt her brother’s character. I was very surprised and saddened at how quickly Kate began to think the worst about her brother because I got the impression they had a fairly close relationship. I found it hard to believe that she’d easily swallow horrible stories about Keith, especially given the questionable source of those stories.

Overall, I enjoyed reading freefall. I recommend it to anyone craving an aviation themed suspense steeped in romance.

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