Flying in the Dark by Tess Grant

Flying in the Dark by Tess Grant
The Kitty Irish Trilogy Book Three
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, YA
Length: Full Length (151 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 14+
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

High school senior Kitty Irish knows exactly what Daniel Phinney expected of her—eradicate the werewolves haunting the Manistee National Forest—until her father comes home from Iraq and takes over.

Too bad Kitty’s plan unravels. Her father spends his time watching the tree line from the safety of a wingback chair. Her hunting partner analyzes college campuses while she analyzes kill sites. When her brother finds a new friend in a long-lost uncle, Kitty’s war with the werewolves becomes a battle for more than just her own life.

Whatever Phinney prepared her for, this isn’t it.

In the final installment of the Kitty Irish Trilogy, Kitty’s past meets her present in an explosive confrontation, bringing the battle to her front porch. The fight for the future is more than claws and fangs.

Will Kitty’s life ever be her own again?
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Kitty should be enjoying her senior year and looking forward to graduation. Instead, her life revolves the cycles of the moon and eradicating the werewolves that plague her community. Joe, her boyfriend and hunting partner, is getting fed up with Kitty’s one track mind. He wants to start making plans with Kitty for the future. However, Kitty won’t even consider leaving town for college unless she’s sure the werewolves are gone. Unfortunately, the fight against the werewolves just got a whole lot more personal.

As I read the final installment in the Kitty Irish Trilogy, I was once again struck by the strength of Kitty’s character. She has grown up so much in the last year. While her father was gone, she held the family together, fought werewolves, and kept up with her school work. She expected life to get easier once her father returned from Iraq. Instead, her life becomes even more complicated. Kitty’s frustration with her friends and family is completely understandable. Her parents are wrapped up in their own problems and her friends want to move on with their lives. Kitty’s fight against the wolves is important, but she’s beginning to buckle under all the pressure.

Like Kitty, I was extremely frustrated with her parents. I completely understand that Kitty’s father had a lot to deal with coming back from Iraq, and Kitty’s mother was under an immense amount of stress caring for her husband. However, it is very clear throughout the story that something is wrong not only with Kitty, but also her younger brother Sam. I couldn’t understand why Kitty’s parents wouldn’t sit their children down and ask them what was wrong. Instead, Kitty’s dad barely moves from his chair and her mother just forges on like everything is okay. I was dismayed not only by their attitudes, but also their lack of action. I kept wondering if they were ever going to snap out of it, or if they would really let their children slip away from them.

I also had a hard time understanding why Kitty wouldn’t clue her parents in concerning her brother’s covert activities with their long lost uncle. I understand that Kitty sees herself as Sam’s caregiver, but she really needs to realize that she can’t control everything. If she’d have simply admitted everything to her parents when her uncle showed up, she could have spared everyone a lot of stress and grief.

I must say that the conclusion of the trilogy is a real nail biter. Would Kitty finally confide in her parents? Would they be able to save Sam? Could Kitty’s relationship with Joe be salvaged? These questions whirred around in my mind as I raced through the pages. I felt as though I were running right next to Kitty trying to save everyone she cared about. When the dust settled, I was satisfied. There were a few things that didn’t go as I had hoped, but I think Kitty is well on her way to enjoying a life of her own.

I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read and review Flying in the Dark. Kitty is a wonderfully rounded character, and I truly enjoyed getting to know her throughout the series. I highly recommend Flying in the Dark and the entire Kitty Irish Trilogy to anyone searching for a gripping young adult paranormal series.

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