Extreme Couponing by Sabrina York

Extreme Couponing by Sabrina York
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length Short Story (73 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, Anal Play, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Clover

Bella adores her sweet, patient and gentle husband Tae. She would do anything to keep him happy—even pretend to be something she’s not. She acts as if she’s content with their vanilla marriage but she yearns for something more. Something darker.

When Tae discovers Bella’s secret desires, he’s determined to fulfill her every fantasy. He devises a wicked coupon book full of naughty commands and fiendish challenges. From spankings to bondage to erotic play with household implements, he tests her limits.

With each coupon Tae redeems, Bella sinks deeper and deeper into the lifestyle she’s always craved but never had the courage to demand. Now if she can just find a way to be the strong, independent woman Tae fell in love with and the quivering sub she is at her core…

Coupons can be the start of a great recipe when a couple completely trusts and adores each other.

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I really enjoyed this story. It was a great plot line with believable characters and the sex was smokin’ hot. Ms York captured the point of view perfectly with it being mainly from Bella’s perspective but with enough of Tae’s thrown in so that I knew what he was thinking even when their sex sessions got seriously kinky.

And this story is mainly about the sex, it doesn’t pretend to be otherwise so that isn’t a problem, in fact, if you are picking this book up it is more than likely exactly what you want and it will deliver that sex, by the bucketful. The action was imaginative (there is a carrot involved and a trip to a hardware store) and dark and Tae certainly went to considerable lengths to set up erotic scenes for his wife. I particularly liked the cooking scene at the end – very naughty indeed – oh, and the basement, that is just too cool!

Finally this story left me with a sense of wanting more which is why it got the extra half star. The very last few paragraphs had me shouting in my head ‘no, don’t end, I want to see Tae on that rack’!!!

Extreme Couponing is a well delivered story about a couple exploring BDSM, if that’s your thing then check it out.

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