Dear Pink by Michelle Angelle

Dear Pink by Michelle Angelle
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

Will an unexpected bucket list change Hannah and Gabe’s lives forever?

Hannah’s sleazy ex-boyfriend left her a hot mess. For years, she’s worked in the basement dungeon and has come to accept a life full of disappointments. That is until she receives a bucket list from her best friend.

Gabe’s Instagram-famous fiancé dumped him for a social media mogul. Shocked and heartbroken, Gabe decides he’s better off without a girlfriend until he runs into an adorable woman on a pink bike.

Will Hannah and Gabe be able to put aside their fears and let love into their lives again? A bucket list might just be the trick that gets them both back on track.

It’s not fair that I have to work instead of reading romance books all day. I just finished Dear Pink by Michelle Angelle and found out that this is book one of two in a series. I’ve never read a story by Ms. Angelle before, but I can enthusiastically say I LOVED it. I’m so passionately in love with what I just read that I simply have to read book two. I know I sound overzealous about Dear Pink, but even the book title has me feeling excited.

The plot is original and clever which is a major factor in my becoming enamored with this book. The paramount reasons that made this book so awesome include there being a prologue starting six years prior which captured my interest, the fast and steady pace kept my attention all the way through, and it ends with an epilogue six years later. I adore romance stories that come all wrapped up with a pretty bow like that.

I always appreciate when a synopsis doesn’t give away the entire plot of a story. The best gift an author can give me is a laugh or two within the story. The element of humor in a romance will seal the deal with me every time. I can’t remember the last book that had me chuckling while reading. Laughter is a major factor for me, and not enough romance books supply it.

The laughter came from the hero and heroine. Gabe is the best hero because he was strong and vulnerable. I love a sensitive, vulnerable yet strong hero. I relate to that type of hero the best. Hannah, the heroine, was more vulnerable in my opinion but has a ‘never give up’ attitude. Together they complete each other. Their weaknesses become their strengths. Hannah’s character has a sad characteristic but I’m not sharing what it is because it would be a spoiler. Unfortunately, it’s a fact of life, yet the way the author presents it is heartwarming. I can’t say anything else about that plot thread involving Hannah.

One thing’s for sure. Gabe and Hannah surely “heat” up the bike path. It was a good thing I was icing an injury while reading because I needed the ice to cool me down. Ha, ha.

Both Gabe and Hannah’s vulnerabilities left their mindset with insecurities and fears to overcome. That made for an ‘on and off again’ relationship due to misunderstandings. I ate up that drama like a starving lunatic because I knew they’d see the light eventually. Their chemistry was undeniable. I knew their happily ever after was going to leave a huge ‘book glow’.

The cast of characters were well-developed and relatable. Most of the characters came from Hannah’s work and Gabe’s family. It’s my understanding that this book can be read as a standalone. However, I’m figuratively dying to read book two because it has one of Gabe’s sisters as the heroine. I don’t have the book in my possession yet but it’s only a matter of time before I do.

I highly suggest romance readers pick up their own copy of Dear Pink and get started so that they can also look forward to book two like me. I’m always told that reviewing a book is subjective but I honestly can’t imagine anyone not loving this book. It’s “pink-alicious”!


  1. Thank you for reading Dear Pink! We are grateful for the review and love making you laugh.

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