A Little Fang Never Hurt Anybody by J R Pearson

A Little Fang Never Hurt Anybody by J R Pearson
Monster Haven 1
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (128 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Werewolf Wild Child.
Taco Enthusiast.
Drunk Table Dancing Expert.
Queen of Shitty Relationships.
Kokoa Lovell. (Pronounced as cocoa)

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The next few days I face is sure to be a cluster–f*ck of epic proportions, during which, I will learn the following: It’s cute to cuddle with a lion but dangerous when he’s keeping secrets… Flirting and making hubba-hubba eyes at a vampire is just asking to get your neck chomped on. And sending Polaroid pictures of your ass to a dragon is all fun and games till he decides to kidnap you.

My solution: Eat a ton of birthday cake then run like hell.

It was the title that grabbed me but the story is what kept me. This book was a pleasant surprise because it was like nothing I’ve ever read before. Yes, it’s first person point of view but the heroine, Kokoa, with her internal dialogue, her turns of phrases and her unapologetic kookiness charmed me, engaged my interest and gave me so many reasons to smile or chortle that I lost count. She is not my typical heroine, her location isn’t like Mayberry and her relationships are mind bogglingly complex.

I guess I’m going to have to label this one as a happy for now because I think J.R. Pearson is just getting started in showing me that Kokoa isn’t the simple pancake-eating, taco devouring lover of food and family. She has three love interests but only one who she’s accepted into her bed. She’s lusting after all of them and she’s kind of happy-go-lucky about her friendship with them because for the heroine, being friends is key. She truly loves them all but … not enough to have indiscriminant sex with all of them. There’s just something about Gavin that does it for her, but Jon is the only one that is closest to touching her heart. Then there’s Adrian Galzra . Wow. Adrian is a loose cannon. He’s not a friend per se, but he’s not her enemy. The heroine kind of instigated his interest in her but from the sounds of the final chapter I’d say Kokoa may have bitten off more than she handle – if she handles the situation like she did that drink, boy is she in trouble!

A Little Fang Never Hurt Anybody has the potential to be a powerhouse of a series if this first book is any indication. In the beginning the heroine seems like she has a bit of a potty mouth but readers are going to be in for a bit of an eye-opening experience with her character. Kokoa has depth and it sounds like the revealing of her complexity is just getting started. J.R. Pearson is world building in this novelette and I am thoroughly fascinated with its history, its population, its secrets and how the heroine is going to fit within it.

Jon featured strongly in this story but the next one is going to focus on someone else, and I can’t tell if it’s going to be Gavin or Adrian – both men have something to recommend them and both perhaps are not all as they seem. I feel like I’ve been teased with a hint of intrigue and after her last interaction with Adrian, I’m hooked. And I mean seriously hooked. This story isn’t a short shot of an excuse just for having sex. No, this one has meat, intent, a rich community to work within and secrets to uncover. While I was reading I had the feeling that I was experiencing a quality of writing that I’m used to seeing from the bigger names in the industry. I’m duly impressed and feel fortunate that I chose this book to read. Thank goodness for the catchy title!

Keep your eye on the Monster Haven series because if it continues as it’s started, this is going to be one powerful ride. I can guarantee I won’t want to get off of anytime soon if the following books are as well done and surprising as this one was.

A Little Fang Never Hurt Anybody is an unexpected gem and I look forward to seeing it shine as the story arc unfolds. I think the adventure is just beginning and I’m glad I discovered this series early on. I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

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